Hi everyone, I am having some problems with my Pembroke, Tobi. He is 6 months old and is a little ball of energy, but he likes to bite, A LOT. He will just come up to you and start biting hard and even with a tap on the nose & saying "no" he continues to chase you around and bite. We try to give him his toys but that only works for a little while. Will he grow out of this as he gets older? Also, whenever we crate him when we leave he continuously barks and does not stop. But, at night he is fine. We have tried putting blankets over the crate, but it does nothing. He never listens when we tell him to be quiet and he barely comes when we call him by name.

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I had the same with Coco and Dino. They chewed and ate more (new) furniture than food. They did outgrow it. It took about a year.
Hopefully Tobi outgrows his chewing veryy soon.
For the biting-I have had success with a high pitched very dramatic yelp and if the biting continues a brief time out in a puppy proof room. Be really consistent with this! When you are leaving put some peanut butter or spray cheese smeared in a Kong in his crate. We do this for all of our dogs when we leave and they love it. It helps them look forward to something and settle down quietly. Also, and probably most important, are you exercising him enough? A pup that age has a lot of energy to burn and corgis are a working breed so need the proper outlet. Make sure he gets at minimum a 30 minute walk before you leave or some other directed activity (fetch etc) . Walks should occur at least 3 times a day at this age. A tired puppy makes a lot less trouble! Are you teaching him to come when called? Never punish after you call him and treats work wonders.
We've been giving him a tap on the nose and saying no bite, but I think he thinks its a game. Never thought about giving him a time out, definitely going to try. My mom suggested the same thing with the Kong, never even thought to try that so next time we have to leave I'm gonna put some peanut butter in it and see how he likes that. My boyfriend and I let him have run of the yard with our other dogs and play fetch with him, but we definitely have to take him on more walks. Thank you for all of the tips (:
Just wanted to let you know we tried putting some peanut butter in his Kong and he loved it! Kept him busy in his cage while we left the room to eat.
Has he been through puppy class? How much exercise is he getting? With the biting, I would try the high pitched YELP and then totally ignore him. If he persists, put him in a time-out for 10 minutes in a puppy-safe area or room.
His previous owners took him to the PetSmart puppy training for 6 weeks and it seems that class was good for teaching him how to sit and lay down, but that's it. My boyfriend and I plan on taking him to more training classes soon. We have to walk him more, I didn't even think of walking 3 times a day like Bev Levy suggested above, this is my first actual puppy.

A good obedience class (or several) are as much for the people as for the dogs. These classes  teach the owners how to teach the dog and are essential with your first pup, especially if that pup is smart and strong willed. Not all classes offered are good, ask around .  You may have an Obedience Training Club in your area, or in driving distance.  It is well worth the money and the effort.


Ellie did the biting thing when she was little, but I would get a hold around her nose and say "No Bite" in a stern I-mean-business tone and she would stop biting and lick my hand.
That is exactly what we have been doing with Tobi, works sometimes and others it doesn't. But, I think he's getting better.
Here is a past discussion about biting that you may find helpful - http://www.mycorgi.com/forum/topics/problem-with-biting - and here is another about barking - http://www.mycorgi.com/forum/topics/corgi-barking-a-lot.  Have you taken him to obedience classes?  I would highly recommend it!  Good luck, and be patient, Tobi will turn out to be an awesome dog!
Thank you! Definitely going to read these.


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