Can you believe Corgis are NOT on this list? How smart is your Corgi?

Corgis should definitely be in the top five.  My corgi outsmarts me all the time.  It's a constant race to figure out ways to foil his intelligent foraging.

The smartest thing Morty's done is to use objects as stepping stools to reach higher shelves.  He's used trash cans and the laundry basket (knocks over and jumps).  

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I agree.  I think corgis are extremely intelligent.   Jeli amazes me how fast she will pick up a new trick!  But I've never worked with the other dogs on that list, so I can't really compare.  I think, tho, that maybe they are more 'cooperative' which might make them seem more intelligent. 

lol, it's proven that often the most gifted kids are the ones who don't take orders too well.  

I have known extremely smart dogs and really dumb ones in every breed.  It's a range and where the individual places on that scale is a combination of it's genetic potential and the environment. Same with humans...... Dog breeders that breed for the show ring only have done a real disservice to  their breed of choice, creating animals who only need to look good and selecting breeding stock on that basis alone.  Thankfully we still have breeders who actively work their dogs and breed for an "all around" animal.  They may not be the one doing the most winning in the show ring. You rarely find a stupid mutt!

The last time I looked I believe the corgi was number 11 on the list.  But as Anna said..each individual dog is different.  Max and Katie come from the same breeder..Heronsway and they are uncle and niece.  Max is smart as a whip, Katie on the other hand doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain.  I love her but she is as dumb as box of rocks.  I have trained dogs for over 30 years and I still can't get her to sit on command and she's been with us for 6 years.

That is SO funny Linda because Jack is Maddie's nephew.  Jack is the smartest dog I have ever met, and I'm not saying that because he's mine.  He learns most things with just one or two repetitions.  He remembered a trail in the woods that we had been to once, two years before.   He barks to let us know if Maddie is going to be sick or if we left a light on that should be off.  

Maddie once picked up a rock instead of a treat I dropped.  It took her months to learn to sit and she still has to really think hard about it (to be fair, she was 4 when we got her and was taught to Stand in her previous life as a show dog).   Things just happen to Maddie and she never knows why or how.  :-)    Still, she is the sweetest little dog and doesn't have a mean bone in her whole body.  You can do anything to her and she's fine with that. But she's a little short in the smarts department, bless her.

@ Linda,  I had one of those and he was of my breeding (Alaskan Malamute).  Note that I bred for intelligence, among other things, as I enjoyed obedience competition in the days before the OTCH people had surfaced.....  He got his CD with flying colors because he was so willing to please, but forget anything that required him to think on his own.  Advanced work was out of the question.  He was however the most lovable dog.  We called him PR, our public relations man.  At the time I had three intact adult males and two intact females, they all got along. The older male was pack leader, a highly intelligent dog.  When that one died at age 13, PR was 7 yrs old and "next in line".  For about two weeks, he marched around stiffly, grumpy, sullen, he was a changed dog.  Then the younger 3 yrs old Malamute just took that top dog spot, no fuss, no muss, it just happened and PR went back to being his usual lovable happy self. We don't all come with the same intent, people or dogs...and we still really miss him.  Intelligence is great, but they all have something different  and very special to offer.

Hm. Depends on how they define "smart," probably. Herding dogs in general have to be "smart" by certain human definitions, in order to move critters around as desired and to work with a human.

In an abstract way, uncomplicated by expectations of servile obedience? I'd say the corgi is frighteningly smart.

Cassie can solve problems on her own. You can actually watch her thinking through a scheme to extricate Ball from some inaccessible place that it's gotten itself into, and she does build strategies to accomplish things that she wants to make happen. She also invents ways to manipulate humans that are really very ingenious -- these don't seem to be the outcome of instinct but of observation of human habits and behavior., I know this sounds like I've reached my dotage, but...honestly, I think this dog understands English. Not just a word or two picked out of context, but she appears to grasp the meaning of entire sentences. She's much more attuned to human language than any other dog I've had, even the GerSheps that were very alert to what their humans were getting up to. That sounds bizarre, but there it is.

I get what you all mean about it depending on the individual dog.  

But it seems that I have this conversation with other Corgi owners in my neighborhood: I never imagined he/she could figure out how to get to...

I was up all night last night at the emergency vet.  Morty ripped a surgical hole out of the bottom of my canvas bag, pulled out a macbook cord, and got to a package of dark chocolate covered oreos.  Had to get his stomach pumped.  You can imagine my consternation when I picked up the bag, still zipped, and wondered "how the hell...??"

He's fine by the way.  

Anna...PR was just not cut out to be top dog and just messed him up thinking he had to do it.  Sounds like he was more than happy to abdicate the position.  Each dog..or cat...brings something to the table, be it smarts or just plain goofiness.  We got Max at age 5, he had no obedience training whatsoever.  I took him to basic class...I prefer starting them out in a class then just working them on my own.  The next class we took was for his CGC and his therapy certification..he passed both on the first try and was the only one in his class to pass the therapy certification on the first try.  Now Katie..bless her heart (I am practicing to talk Southern for when we move to TN in 5 years)...only understands out, food, biscuit and carrot.  Oh wait...she understands when I yell a cat's name...that means chase the cat from the thing mommy doesn't want it doing.  I will admit she works well with Max in herding the cats...if cats can be herded that is.  Let's just say they try.

Kim...I am so glad Morty is ok!  How scary for you!  Max ate half a chocolate cake..the cats gave it to him...but that kind of chocolate isn't dangerous like the dark chocolate.  An upset tummy is all he had.   I've also learned the hard way not to leave any bag, purse, backpack within reach of a dog, not just corgis.  I've had them take a small aspirin bottle, cough drops and gum (thank goodness I never chew sugar free) out of my purse hanging on a doorknob.

Beth...I've often wondered if being a show dog and learning to pretty much stand all the time is why she has trouble with things like sit.  When I brush Max he just falls down and rolls over, Katie stands perfectly until I am done.  Glad I am not the only one to think that.  Katie was 4 when we got her.  Katie is a really sweet girl, she loves her people, Max, the cats.  She wants to cuddle all the time, follows me where ever I go.  Max picks things up very fast when I teach him something new even at the age of 11.  Now Katie is just learning how to actually play with toys and she's almost 10 and still doesn't quite get it.

I've see

n many of these lists and they never seem to agree except for the Border Collie.  The thing that BCs have going for them is that they are not only smart in an abstract way but also usually eager to please.  (Most) Corgis, on the other hand, are very smart in an abstract way, but will often try to outsmart you when you ask them to do something.  I have seen the list where they have Pems 11th and Cardis a little further down.  Aussies were quite a ways down on that list.  It's very subjective.  Murray and Zac and Ringer before him were all extremely smart and understood (stand) much of what you say even sentences. 


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