This past Tuesday at midnight Casey started throwing up bile. He was up all night. Thinking he may have gotten something from the yard, I took a vacation day to stay with him.


We have a dog walker come in during the week that works for our vet.  Concerned, I called her and it was her day off so I asked her to drop by and take a look at him. She did a rectal temp check and when she stuck the thermometer in Casey yelped so loud and was trying to get away while she held it there. He did not have a temp and her advice was to ride it out and if he is still feeling this way the next morning I should take him to the vet. That was my biggest mistake and I am so kicking myself now.  Never again will I wait when he is sick.  An ounce of prevention is worth all the Casey's in the world.


I took Casey to the vet yesterday morning and we picked him up this evening. When we took him in he was very dehydrated.  After their treatment he still is not drinking or eating. He has diarrhea and his stool is red.  We have to clean him up every time we take him out. Sometimes he does even not make it out.


The vet said there was blood in his stool. They said he threw up twice today but he has not since we brought him home. They took x-rays and found no blockage and are having us give him medication. We are taking him back tomorrow morning for a review.


Tonight it hit me, could she have damaged his rectum when she inserted the thermometer? I am beside myself because I just realized this about 30 minutes ago. I will talk to the vet tomorrow when we go there. I am not looking to place blame, I just want his pain go away. They do not seem to know what the problem is $600.00+ later.


He is so out of it and my heart aches for him. Any direction or advise would be greatly appreciated.

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I am so sorry about Casey! It definitely sounds like the rectal thermometer could have hurt him some how but I wonder if it is a combination of two things (the thermometer and eating something bad). Could you take him to someone for a second opinion? I really hope he feels better soon! Take care and give him a kiss!!

We'll all be eager to hear what the vet said after the morning visit. Hoping Casey is MUCH better and they know how to treat his problem.
When a dog has diarrhea, they can get bloody stools because their digestive tract is in an uproar. Rocky does this when he is running one of his mysterious fevers. I assume the vet told you to not feed him for a day and they start him on boiled chicken and rice until his tummy is better. Going without food will not hurt him and will give his digestive tract to settle down. Try to keep him drinking. Try ice cubes, salt free chicken or beef broth in his water, whatever it takes to keep some fluids in him.He needs the fluids. We got to the point with Rocky one time that I was using a hypodermic syringe, (without the needle!!) and gently squirting water in his mouth every hour or so. By gently squirting the water, I could wait while he swallowed before I gave him some more. He didn't seem to mind it, in fact sat there and waited for it. The vet can also give him fluids under the skin or IV.
When we got up this morning Casey had pooped (same outcome) several times during the night on newspaper we put out for him - he is such a good boy even when sick.

His water bowl was empty but we have three cats so I am not sure that they did not get into it. I tried to give him all of his favorite things to eat but he just sniffed and turned his head away. When we tried to give him medicine last night we had to pry his mouth open.

We dropped him off at the vet a little before 9:00. Luckily the vet walked in while we were there so I could speak to him directly. After giving him the low down since we brought Casey home last night he said they were going to take more blood, give him fluids and check him out further. They should be calling us soon. The vet mentioned that is could possibility be pancreatitis.

I will keep you posted and we will be getting a syringe (without the needle).

Thank you for the kind and encouraging words!!!
We are very sorry to hear about Casey. We understand the frustration of having a sick little guy that you just don't know how to help. I hope he is feeling better soon :( I wish I had more to offer. Lots of love and corgi kisses!!
We're thinking good thoughts for Casey!!
im so sorry to hear this, i really hope he gets better! i wish there was more i could do for u as i know when are babies are sick it hurts us to see them like this. i send u comfort thoughts and corgi kisses your way.

i do think that his rectum was hurt, maybe due to it being inflamed by whatever caused it and then having the thermometer going in might have hurt it and caused it to bleed and is trying to heal. o my gosh..i hope he will be ok!
Hope Casey is doing's so hard to have a sick furbaby! Our healing thoughts are with you!
We brought Casey this afternoon and he is doing better. The vet could not pin point the reason for this problem. However, he is on amoxi tabs, metronidazole, carofate and pepcid for a time period. I had to make a chart for distributing his meds.

He is drinking water and is showing more life than he has in the last 3 days. As I write this he is sleeping soundly beside me.

I can not express how much we appreciate your well wishes and prayers. This has been one hell of a week. I do not feel that we are out of the woods yet but there is truly a bright light at the end of our tunnel. May Casey have sweet dreams tonight!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Glad to hear he is doing better. The metronidazole always helps Rocky's tummy settle down. It might take a few days so don't despair. Take it easy on the food and keep the fluids going in. Feed him small amounts at more frequent intervals if possible. At least do the small amounts. He won't starve in the several days it takes for his digestion to settle down. I would take him out on a leash to potty so you can keep and eye on his poops. Don't worry too much if he doesn't poop much since he is probably not eating much either. If he is on chicken and rice, it is pretty digestible and he won't have much to poop. Great topic of conversation but when you have a dog with tummy trouble, it's important!!
My male is very prone to stomach issues. We love yogurt (plain) when he gets to the point he is attempting food.....We usually give hime a large tablespoon full on top of what we are feeding him....I think that the cultures help to sooth his tummy.
Glad to hear Casey is feeling better. Like most are saying take it easy on giving him food. Boiled Chicken and rice is the best way to reintroduce food. My previous corgi had a pig ear and got bacteria from it and he was throwing up and passing blood in his stool which of course was diarrhea. So I stay away from those types of things. But we had the same type of meds you are giving Casey and then we started with the rice and chicken small amts the 2nd day. Then increased it and then we had to slowly reintroduce his regular kibble mixing it with the rice and chicken. But do keep up the fluids. Good Luck to you.


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