From the first, our cat, Blackie decided that puppy Frodo was HIS puppy!

Frodo would chew on the cat's head, but Blackie never lifted a claw to Frodo.

He pins the puppy down and cleans his ears, inside and out. With the size of those corgi ears you know this is a huge task. Now when Frodo wants a bath he sort of gently chews on Blackie, then put his head down. Frodo also cleans his sisters, Roxy and Penny. Perhaps Frodo thinks he is a cat?

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Sorry. I can't figure out where to post things yet, so this is in the wrong place. I also cannot seem to add a profile photo.
What are you having trouble with when trying to post your pictures? I think I lost my post---where did it go, one moment I am looking at it but now it is not on the board?
I can post pictures of my doggies, but I can't seem to do a "profile picture", hence the yellow head.
i had the same problem you need to scroll down and hit save
Waffle thinks my cats are weird dogs and tries to play with them like dogs! Needless to say, he gets hit in the face a lot.  I would love for them to get along, but my cats are just too disdainful.

We have a neighbor dog. A huge Great Pyrannes who is just as sweet as can be. She wants to play with our corgis but she is so big I am afraid she will accidentally hurt them. Well Blackie the cat decided she was not welcome so he sprang on her back, dug all claws into her and rode her around the field awhile.

The dog still comes by to sniff at our fence but if she sees that cat she is gone!

Blackie is a perfect gentleman with his own doggies.

that is so adorable


aww thats so adorable. i have two cats and teddy loves them both but Jango is the king of the house and was the first to welcome teddy to the family:). him and teddy play all morning after they had their breakfast and jango does most of the chasing! lol

I think it is kind of amazing that cats and corgis seem to know that when your eyes are closed, your are not "at home".

My cat gently places her paw on each eyelid to wake me up, then peers into my eyes when I open as if to say, "Are you there?" Frodo, my youngest corgi, jumps on the bed and licks my eyelids! (Yuk!). Once the eyes are open he also peers in my eyes, cocks his head this way and that, and gently wags that little stub of a tail

Poor Lucy! The beautiful, sweet, peppy puppy is just thoroughly alien to my two 12-year-old cats. Lucy wants to romp and one cat just loudly meows at her or growls if Lucy gets too close. I keep George's claws trimmed so when he has had occasion to "slap" her, it hasn't hurt her except to remind her to keep her distance. Gracie, Geogre's sister, gives Lucy a wide berth. Lucy sleeps in her crate in my bedroom at night, the cats sleep on the bed. They seem to appreciate that arrangement. I wish they would get along, be more friendly, but it's a big improvement from when I first brough Lucy home 6 weeks ago! I still hope for a peaceable kingdom one of these days!  I do have to place the cats' meals and water on the coffee table so Lucy can't gobble it up; likewise, I use a babygate to block her from the cats' litter box when she is out and about.

Well your cats were there first, so they "own" the place. A new puppy was not in the original plan! We already had two corgis when our cat arrived so he knew he had to go along with the situation. When Frodo arrived, Blackie just decided to work with him.Back when I had an indoor-only cat we had a litter box, and Penny would snack out of it (Yuk!), so we had to block off the litter box. Blackie goes outside..he uses the dog's flapper door to get out. and yes, you do have to put the cat food up where the corgis can't get it. Your cats may accept Lucy when she gets older and settles down a little. Puppies are pretty crazy- acting from a cat's point of view. Crating Lucy while the cats get the bed is a good way to reassure them that Lucy hasn't replaced them in your affection. My Frodo actually prefers his crate at night. I think he feels safe in there.

Good luck with your menagerie!

I've noticed that corgis get along very well with cats and exhibit certain cat-like characteristics!


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