My corgi "Picasso" has started to develop aggression towards large dogs. If they get near his ears or face or try to stand over him, he goes psycho on them and tries to bite them. Now its not all large dogs but a lot of them. His face first looks as if he is scared and then "tries to get them before they get him." I have stopped him, but sometimes its hard to step in because he is so fast and just runs away. I have started to use a muzzle if i know we will be around large dogs. It has sort of helped but there is still a few large dogs that just rub him the wrong way. HELP!!!! Does anyone have this issue? Does anyone have suggestions??

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Last two times were an unfamiliar situation: mountain summit, many other people around, deep snow, strange dog, both dogs off-leash, handlers distracted. I'm not sure the other dogs had even noticed Al before he snapped at them. Second time, maybe Al's fuse had been shortened after the previous encounter, but that second dog didn't even know Al was there and squealed a peed after Al jumped him, they were 4-6' apart with human legs in between, I think. If this was "provoked", the provocation was "coming within 5' of Al".
Hmmm, maybe the leash acts like a rope on a rock climber -- a climber on a rope has 100X the nerve of a climber without one.
I don't get it yet. He just seems capriciously intolerant. Mostly he's fine, but occasionally, unpredictably, he flies off the handle for no obviously good reason. He couldn't be cooking meth in the basement while I'm not home... could he?
LOL John, I find that our dobe is pretty reactive to other dogs while leashed but off leash is just fine. Was Al leashed each time? In our case I think she feels vulnerable when leashed. Since Al is used to frequently walking with you unleashed maybe he does too. Sparty can be snarky with other dogs but there is always either food involved or some rudness involved. I think he figures he is old and gets to do whatever he wants.
This is interesting -- Ethel is very similar. She will seem to be okay, then, based on nothing I can detect, stiffen up, and start the warning growls/air snapping stuff. And she's definitely worse on leash -- or in the car backseat. We visit friends with 2 dogs she knows well (and she actually is very submissive to one of them) -- but if they come to the backseat of the car before I let my guys out, Ethel will growl at them to back off was her own Maybach and not a 10 year old Subaru. So I am now somewhat wary at letting her visit with strange dogs. Other times, she lets a dog sniff her, but she has a time limit -- one visit per dog, no more than 1 minute. If they come back for a second sniff, or take too long, she plants her fanny on the ground, her ears stiffen up, and boom, she turns around with the speed of a cobra and air snaps away.
Al did that once: on-leash, a GSD was sniffing his butt, Al standing obliquely, tolerating this until the dog started sniffing his penis area, and that was too much. He did not give a growl or any warning I noticed, just suddenly snapped.
Al mostly walks leashed, but gets lots of off-leash time. He does not have much unleashed experience with other dogs. Most snapping has been off-leash. A ball has been involved, and food. He was fine with my pal's dog this weekend, but snapped lightly at GWYNNIE while I was feeding them at the trailhead (unfamiliar situation). He got busted for that.
Al had to ride in a crate, while Gwynn got to sit in the back seat with the other dog.
I think he's snapped on-leash only once, when a GSD sniffed a bit too close & personal, one of very few incidents that I thought might have been deserved.
I'm going to try to watch his body language, staring, for hackles, lip curl, etc., but I'm not sure what to look for.
This happens with my dog also. I can never predict when she is going to snap at a dog or why (not just large dogs). The weird thing about is that she always wants to greet a dog, she just isn't always nice! Some dogs she is fine with, others she will snap at after a few seconds (for the dogs she snaps at, there does seem to be a time limit of greeting, she just won't tolerate past a certain amount of time). She also doesn't like jumpy dogs or dogs that get in her face right away. Mostly this has happened on leash, but we have tried to drop the leash and she still does it. In these cases, I wonder if she still feels like she is leashed because it is hanging on the ground? We live in the city, but she seems to do really well at large dog parks (30 + acres). We have taken her to a few dog natural areas in the suburbs and she does great (she even plays). I think it is because she is totally off leash, the dogs have plenty of room, and she isn't bombarded when we arrive. I don't really know how to solve it yet except we don't go to small dog parks and we don't greet strange dogs when we are on a walk.
I taught neeka how to lie down when another dog/person approaches her and she is on leash--I thought it was polite but dogs always get pretty much right ontop of her and she snaps on them and i would get upset at her, but she lies down anytime she sees someone so it can make for a longgg walk without getting very far. My boyfriend has a hound, and he loooves to sniff her ears/behind/neck ect. because its in his nature and she always freaks and occasionally has gave him a little nip, i always thought it was neeka being rude! Good article.


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