Hi, I'm wondering if there are variations in Corgi coats as far as the length of hair.  I have a 2 year old with a quite luxurious coat, very soft and thick...however she is not a fluff.  I've seen fluffs and I'm pretty sure she's not one.  But we recently rescued a younger male (he's not actually my dog but he lives at my house) and his coat is significantly shorter and coarser.  I'm just wondering what's up with this?  Is there supposed to be such a variety in what is considered acceptable Corgi hair?  (not saying fluffs are unacceptable, I'm purely referring to breed standard here)

I included pics but they're not the greatest in showing what I'm talking about.  Maybe I can try to take some more for this discussion.  The first 2 are Heidi, my dog.  The last one is Romeo, the rescue.

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Corgi coats come in all lengths up to the fluffies. Some are smoother, some have "cow licks" in the fur. Gromit has a noticeably longer coat than my previous Corgis, especially on his shoulders and neck. Some have referred to his coat as a "glamor coat" because of the slightly luxurious length. Near as I can tell from your photos, Heidi's coat length looks pretty typical. The thick, double coat is normal for a Corgi though.
Oh, okay. I was just curious. Romeo doesn't hardly even seem to shed. Heidi sheds mountains! :) She does have a couple cow licks too...mostly on her back. I've never looked at Romeo for cow licks. He's only been around a couple of months and belongs to my friend. I guess I better not tell Heidi she has a glamour coat...it'd totally go to her head.

Heidi has the same length coat as my Kota. The tufts on his butt are longer though. I am considering trimming them. They just seem so long. But from the pictures you provided, both dogs seem to be typical of all the corgis I have seen. Heidi is so beautiful. I love her eyes. Hugs from me and Kota
Aww, thanks! I wish I could teach her to use those eyes for good, not mischief. :)
Mine have very different coats with Sparty (my ranch bred ) having a light short coat and Izzy (show bred) having a thick longer coat. The show dogs can have some variation depending on a number of factors such as when they are blowing their coat.
Yeah, I wondered about that too. Heidi is currently blowing her coat. I brushed her the other day and when I was done it looked like a "Make Your Own Corgi Kit" on the ground! LOL. I've never seen one hair fall from Romeo so far.
Yeah, unfortunately they never seem to blow their coat at the same time...
My three have very differnt coats. Tom's is short, very silky and incredibly thick, no matter waht time of year. Pat's is longer, stiffer but not nearly as thick with some waves on his back and the puppy at 5 months is still quite soft. They all have the undercoat and shed but the thickness and soft vs wiry is quite different.
It's so weird how there's such a big difference...


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