I live in Cheyenne Wyoming, and i have been having a hell of a time finding a corgi (of either breed) in the area. However i did stumble onto the Wyoming dachshund and corgi rescue out of Wheatland Wyoming. ( http://www.doxieconnection.com/home.html ) I got lucky and they just had a litter of corgi mix puppies born on Monday morning, and I'm working on trying to get one later in February when they will be ready to leave.
Now i have a couple questions about the mix puppies from those that have had em in the past. They are as far as i can tell corgi and a terrier. (I will post pictures of the parents as i would love to hear opinions on which terrier they think it could be.) But first for those with cross corgis do they generally still act in a corgi manner? Herding, shedding and their other fun playful traits or should i expect it to be more of a mixture between both breeds? I understand its really up to chance as anything can happen with crosses but i mean in general.
Also i know there is a review forum for specific rescues but i figured i would just ask here so I'm not making tons of different posts. Has anyone had any dealings with this rescue (i saw a review from 2011 but I'm curious if there is anything more current) And finally in general what type things would keep me from getting the puppy? I have never gone through a rescue before and i want to make sure everything is as good as i possibly can make it. I'm mostly worried about the house/fence check, I'm pretty sure there is nothing wrong with our fence and yard but i have no idea what they look for.
I'm sure i forgot something but for now here are pictures of the parents.
[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j133/Kobal1984/Duke2_zps4b1e75ec.jpg[/IMG] Father - Duke, his rescue profile lists him as a corgi/wire haired fox terrier. But i almost wonder if he is at least more corgi then terrier and no where near 50/50 with how he looks there.
[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j133/Kobal1984/FuzzyDuke_zpsee689...[/IMG] This one however really shows the terrier mussel and face.
[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j133/Kobal1984/Daisyandpups_zpsbb...[/IMG] Mother - Daisy. She also seems to have the wire hair, but again looks very corgi so I'm hoping the puppies will look more corgi then terrier but either way I'm sure they will be fun dogs. I'm hoping to get one of the tri-color females in the litter.
Again i would love some opinions on the breeds of the parents and maybe a guess or two on how the pups would look. I look forward to meeting them in January and hope everything goes well so i can bring one home in February some time.
She does look like she has a wirey coat BUT depending on her circumstances...it may be due to diet and being pregnant or just a rougher outer coat. I bet the pups will be soooooooo adorable and can't wait to see more pics. You should be able to see big differences in the pups size maybe but if it were me and I wanted a pup I sure would take the chance:) Dad didn't look as tall as I would have expected...almost looks like a cardi except for the face.
Yea, that's why i kind of think he might have had the fox terrier a little farther back in the lines. Maybe a father or grand father, or it could just be that he came out looking like a corgi more then terrier. Either way I'm sure the puppies will be great, i just hope everything goes well and i can get one.
I had thought off and on about an older dog, they have their perks, house broken being a big one. But i just cant pass up a chance to have a puppy. I have watched a few videos of the corgis on you-tube and they are just fun little puppies, makes me want it now.
It really is a crapshoot when you're dealing with mixes. Both parents appear to be terrier x corgi, probably a neat 50/50 split for both sire and dam. With that, you can expect so many things out of the puppies - some may take after their terrier predecessors, and others not. Your best bet is to have a chat about the temperament of both mother and father. What is their energy level like? Do they have the neurotic nature of a zany terrier (think JRT), do they bark at at the drop of a hat?
Terrier x can be pretty daunting to deal. They could be loud, hyper, headstrong, or the complete opposite. What I advise is to find out more about the parents. Looks are important but in the end, what you'll have to deal with for the next decade and more is the personality of your puppy. Cuteness only goes so far when you're dealing with a furry tornado!
That's a good point, i did hear back from them today and they plan to go over the application after Christmas so after that i can definitely talk to em about the parents. All i really know about the father is that is better as a single dog, and the mother didn't want to let any one knew the pups. Which could just be because she doesn't trust her yet (she has only been there a couple months) I do want to try and get one that looks more corgi but i figure it will be a bit of a gamble at this point, and who ever i pick out in the end is who i will stick with, i have never been one to take a puppy and then get rid of it once the puppy wears off.
I plan to try and go to meet them around January 20th give or take, that should be around 5 weeks and then if all goes well take one home around February 10th.
5 weeks is a good age to go and meet puppies. I met my Border Collie at just a little over four weeks and their personalities were already quite obvious. Try and ask to schedule a visit when they're most likely to be active - so not directly after a feeding! That way you have the best chance to see their vibrant selves. :-)
I think i plan to go down to meet them around the first of February, that will be a pay day and then i can pay for the pup when i pick it out (just to get the money out of my hands sooner rather then later, i have a bad habit of spending money i need to save) And then it would be a lot shorter of a wait between that day and the time to take her home.
Going to make a trip out of it with my girlfriend, we never go anywhere outside of town anymore so it should be fun. Figured out a name last night too, Ezra, an uncommon name, for an uncommon dog.
I had a couple of Wire Fox Terriers years ago and they didn't have the craziness that I see in so many Jack Russels. Have known a couple others that were great dogs also. Hard to say what the terrier part af the parents is, but they both look terrier /Corgi to me too. Coat might not shed as much as typical Corgi? Should be fun, smart dogs. Good luck!
"Hearts United" a rescue here in Nebraska will not let you adopt a dog if you state on your application that you have a dog door and plan to let it use it when you're not home...even if you have locks on gates and live in the country. I've talked to so many wonderful dog owners who were turned down by them that I no longer donate to them realizing that they wouldn't adopt to me either because I live downtown and don't have a fenced yard. I read an article in the newspaper about this same organization letting a starlet in California have one as a surprise present for her boyfriend!
That's good to know, i personally have never met a wire fox, however i have met a jack russel and that dog had his spring wound up so tight that it was going to snap. Add that to the corgis already semi hyper nature, add in their intelligence and i think our other dogs would have a heart attack, or get really cranky. But a fox terrier sounds like they are a more mellow terrier breed, so maybe it will balance out in the end. As it is i think i kind of want to take the runt of the litter, or at least the more submissive one (I'm not a very dominate person)
As for the rescue that sounds crazy, i guess i could understand to some degree about the doggy door, if the dog runs out during the day it could get stolen or something. However that wont be an issue here, I'm out in the boonies with a dog fence and some one home all the time, plus we have 6 acres for the horses. Lots of space for a well behaved corgi to explore, as long as they don't run away and get lost (couple of our pugs had that happen, took almost 2 weeks to find em.) So all in all I'm pretty hopeful but I'm still trying to find out everything i can so i can fix any problems before the house check lol. They seem like a pretty mellow rescue that places alot of dogs ( think i read they placed 120 dogs this year between the two breeds) so i might not have anything to worry about anyway.
To me the mother looks very much like a corgi. I don't see terrier in her. I agree with Jane that the sire looks like a cardi, except the face.
I had a corgi + Jack Russell mix (rescue) and she was sweet, easygoing, quiet (NEVER barked), only moderately active. Her corgi "tells" were that she shed like crazy, and she loved to flop with all four feet stretched out flat. I agree with the crapshoot theory, when it comes to mixes.
A lot of how a dog turns out depends on early experiences, environment and training. Health and temperament should be the primary concerns.
I hope it goes well for you. It sounds like the pup will be lucky to go home with you!
I agree that alot about how a pup turns out depends on early experiences and the TRAINING. I have a coworker that has 2 Jack Russels and have seen her with them...she sends them the wrong message:(
Don't know if you live anyplace close but I always recommend classes if possible. I have to drive 60 miles each way for mine but they were worth all the time and effort!
Make sure when you visit the pups that you pay special attention to which one is also the most interested in you. Go there with an open mind and I truelly believe that after a bit the one that "wants you" will also show this:) I have had people come for a certain sex or pup only to choose the one that is "choosing" them. When I went to pick my 1st Corgi (Wynn) I wanted a female....till he waddled up and set his tiny head on my foot and fell asleep. That was all it took. Yes, personality is important but seeing which one relates to you is too!
Unfortunately i have no choice when it comes to her being a female, my girl friend refuses to let me get a male due to fears that he would pee on things. I know females can do that too but I'm hoping if we get her fixed before that first heat that it wont be an issue. But the litter only has one male if i remember correctly anyway so hopefully i wont have to leave behind the one picks me lol. So I'm aiming for a tri color female but i am open to the others too. I think the hardest part will be the wait. Its like counting down the days to Christmas as a kid.
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