Hello! My fiance and I are looking to adopt a Corgi in the New England area. Age doesn't matter, we'd be perfectly happy with an old and wise dog. :)

If you have a Corgi, or if you know of somebody with one, let us know. 

We are willing to drive to get the dog up to 200 miles.

He/she is not a Christmas gift. We just want to share our home with a Corgi. :D

A little about ourselves: I am a graphic designer and my fiance is a Specialist at the Apple Store near us. We live in Providence near a dog park in a pet friendly victorian in a historical district. 

Thank you in advance,


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Have you had him checked for mites?  That might explain the ear scratching.  Unfortunately, small rescues and shelters have a very limited pool of money to work with, so they aren't always able to have a dog get a full workup at a Vet.  They usually do the best they can and then the rest is left up to the new owner.  It seems counter-productive since the new owner might just return the dog right back to the rescue again, but there's not much they can do about that.

The behavior issues, however, are a different story.  Those should have been seen during foster care and it's in their best interest to disclose what they see and experience so that they can match the dog to the best possible owner.  If you don't mind my asking, what behavioral problems are there?  Is it aggression?

The best advice I can give is to get him in to whichever Veterinarian will be his regular one. Get him established as a patient and explain things to the Vet so that he/she can give you options regarding payment from here on out. I know it's stressful, but you've done a wonderful thing by bringing him into your family. He is finally getting the care that he would have otherwise not received.

He is aggressive towards dogs and when any food is involved.

First of all I would just keeping him at home except for walks etc. He is still settling in and will need to learn your rules. He might just be scared or could have issues with other dogs but he has to learn to live with you 1st and foremost.

As for food since you have had him only 6 days I would suggest feeding him and leaving him eat in peace as you don't know if he had to "share" space with another dog and fight for his food or if he has always been this way. The 2nd part is that several times during the day give him tiny treats which could be dry dog food or popcorn or cheerios. I would start by dropping them by your feet near you but not real close and just let him "get them" without"  any contact. When this works and after a few days you can try putting one in your hand and open it wide up(open palm) and see if he is willing to take it off your hand without being aggressive. If so continue this and slowly work toward feeding him out of your hand. Since you don't know his past you need to make him trust you in a positive way and hopefully this will help. I know it's hard but doing things very slowly is the best for 1st!

Do you live anywhere near a place that has obedience classes? I would also try this if possible.

Wow, it seems you really lucked out with Tucker, he looks beautiful. What are the issues if you don't mind my asking?

How long have you had him? It takes at least 30 days for a dog to adjust and most dogs come with a few issues. Maybe they had no idea? Was he being fostered or straight out of a shelter? Some shelters are better and some really don't know so it may not be all their fault although the medical sure should have been discussed. An example for me is I had fostered a Beagle for about 2 weeks while we waited for an opening. Nicest dog but could jump dog fences. She went to a new home and tore apart their new couch:( I never would have seen that coming BUT I am home much of the time.

What are his behavior issues?

I also believe either Tucker has yeast or ear mites which can be corrected easily.

If they can't help I would contact Corgi Aid but they might have to be purebreds?

I would ask if there is a way you could get something back  from your $$$ to help cover his medical expenses...

I am guessing once these things get worked out you will have a wonderful loving guy who will make you very happy...good Luck!

Thank you, your kind words helped. We felt so stupid at the vet with him. They were asking us questions and we had only his immunization sheet and our 6 days with him to go off of.

You may have felt stupid but you just adopted a rescue and you aren't going to know much. I adopted Tank this May and I would have had to do the same thing as I had his shot sheet and a bit of info but not much...you can't learn much in such a short time...when you feel more comfortable I think he will too BUT it will take a bit:) PS...we want more pics:)

I agree with the other Jane, give him some time to adjust before judging his temperament too much. What exactly is he doing that is worrisome? The tapeworm shouldn't be a big issue, my two usually get them every summer unfortunately and I think the meds are less than $20.

I think more of what irked me was the lack of communication I guess. Most of the problems he has would have been obvious to any vet, so it is clear that he never had a proper check-up. The meds aren't expensive, it's the tests and office visits that are running me up.

When you do get a corgi, you have to stay on this site and keep us updated. There is a lot of good info on this site and it is a close knit family.

We have him, his name is Tucker. He is a beautiful dog. Very sassy too. :D

must be the corgi in him...haha!


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