Okay, I'll first start by saying that there are very few things that make me mad. But blatantly ignoring my requests is one of them. Our roommate is a slob and generally doesn't care about anything. Conan (our Corgi) and Carl (his dog) will both chew on anything left on the floor, so we ask that he not leave the TV remote in the middle of the living room floor (like he always does). We have Time Warner, so every time our dogs eat the remote, we have to pay for it. This has happened multiple times.

So on Monday morning, he left the cupboard with the dog food bag in it open and the dogs ate a significant amount of food from it. They were both throwing up almost non stop the entire day. Not only am I working on Conan's weight loss, this obviously isn't very good for either dog. So Garrett talks to him, like what the hell dude, pay attention to what you're doing please. And we think it's fine. Though he still wanted to feed Carl dinner that night so he "wouldn't starve" but Carl is at least 10 pounds over weight, and obviously didn't need more food to throw up.

So then Monday night he leaves a big bag of almonds on the kitchen table, and doesn't push the chairs in, and Carl gets on the kitchen table and pushes the nuts on the floor like he always does when you leave a chair out. I swear you guys, it's like our roommate doesn't believe these things actually happen. Like we're just super anal when we ask him to not do crap like leave chairs out and cupboards open. So both dogs were throwing up yesterday too. They also have black tarry poops (which I know could be melena - very bad). I'm not sure though if it's something really serious like that (could both dogs get serious intestinal issues from over eating alone?) or if it's just the food (the dog food they ate was Orijen fish blend), which is pretty dark in color itself.

Should we take them to the vet today if the poops aren't better? I don't think they've thrown up since yesterday. Ahhh I can't even express how mad I am right now. We were going to start Conan in herding this weekend too and now I know it's definitely not a good idea for him to be really active like that. Does anyone know any home remedies we could try to get their tummies feeling better? They didn't get fed yesterday (besides the almonds) and aren't going to get breakfast this morning, and probably not dinner as well. Anyone have any suggestions? Sorry for the length, I think I might already know they need to see a vet if they don't seem better today, I just needed to vent!

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Haha! Good idea Beth.

I've actually never though of crating Conan for some reason. It's a great idea, thanks! I will definitely start doing that. He should be fine. Garrett works from home so it's rare not to have at least one person in the house at all times.
Amen to that! lol
Actually I think crating the roommate does sound like a better idea! Could you fence him off in your room or an area that he can't get to the food or stuff your roommate leaves out? As for the food would it work to get a dog food container with a lid? I use a rubbermaid tote and that works well as long as you put the lid back on. I guess I would feel at some point that if hyour roommate can't put a little more effort into what you ask then it might be time to look for a roommate that cares a little more...you could also show him this page so he doesn't think it's only you!
you can also put the dog food and all foods in general higher up in the kitchen. Keep boring stuff on the bottom. That way even if he forgets to close a dor again it won't be a bid deal.
You can also train the dogs not to jump on chairs or steal food:
Leave delicious food out and step back or better hide. When they try to grab it or jump on the chairs make a lot of noise. Use something that bothers them, like cans or pots and pans or a vacuum cleaner. Shiro hates cans sound in general, so it works. You can also throw it their way, it's even scarier. Pair with "leave it command" if you'd like.
Shiro mastered "leave it" and it's very helpful. He'll even drop gross food that he finds outside. Not goose poop though, still working on it.
This is a great idea too. It would be hard because our roommate doesn't believe in training Carl. Carl doesn't even sit on command. But! Our roommate works full time and we are home more often, so we can do what we want all day long without him! Mwahahahaha!
A dog food container with a lid would be a great idea! This is what I love about forums, I get to see the problems from other angles that I wouldn't have seen myself. Thanks!
Here Here for crating the room mate!!! Even though there are 2 dogs with separate set of rules..it still can be done. Just your dog chewing the remote can cause blockage not to mention all the other stuff he is getting into and even if cupboards are closed and chairs are pushed in then Conan will become board and whose to say he won't get up on the couch to the table to get to the remote or just plain socks. I would crate him for his safety and your bank account.

As far as his overeating and the stools..as long as he's not lethargic or constantly squatting to relieve himself and theres some consistency to the stool I would hold off on the vet. Get his digestive tract back on a healthy tract by giving probiotics. Probiotics helps w/constipation and diarrhea. Skip a meal and start off slowly the next day. Make sure he is drinking plenty of fluids and within a day or so he should be fine. I wouldn't hold off on any activity..keep his immune up by exercise and proper diet.

As far as the room mate...you need to set him down and discuss the issue seriously and give him some ultimatums. Let him know the seriousness of this and for his negligence there are consequences. He is not your dependent...he is independent and needs to except full responsibility. If hes such a good friend then you'd think he'd respect you in the same way. What happens if he leaves gum laying around or changes the antifreeze in his car and doesn't clean up the over spill? Don't want to cry over spilled milk and that alone will ruin the friendship and your furry companion.
Great advice. Thanks so much. I know Garrett has talked with him about it but it hasn't seemed to make a difference. Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig. That's pretty much where we're at now. I'm picking up more hours at work (I'm part time) and am doing what I can to make a difference for Conan. I'm all up for not having him as a roommate. I'm just alone in that mind frame for now. I actually feel like me nagging to Garrett about it just makes Garrett more mad about anything our roommate does. I'm kind of stuck. If I could take Conan and leave I would but I can barely afford to feed myself as is. I hear you about the true friend thing though. Good point. I'll bring it up. Thanks again for the advice everyone!


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