Note: This is about our Newfoundland, but it's still the same idea right?


Our newf is one and we are going to get her spayed in the near future. She still has her dew claws. Can we get those removed when we have her spayed even though she isn't a pup?


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I wish I would have thought of this when I got my Aussie neutered. His are awful...they stick out sideways! Yes, I'm sure they can do this and it saves alot of $$$ doing all at once!
Do you mean front dewclaws or rear?

If you mean rear, absolutely. It would be extremely simple, maybe one stitch in each.

If you mean front, they can be done but many vets will object to you doing them at that age. If they do it right, it's comparable to a toe amputation and would add a lot of time to the surgery, and you should expect it to cost more $$ because the length of anesthesia would be doubled or tripled (a spay is VERY quick and thus cheaper). A breeder I know just sent her male dog in to have them re-removed (since the job done as a puppy left a partial joint that re-grew, one more reason I didn't want to do them in my puppies) and he was sent home substantially bandaged and stitched. But the best person to ask is your vet; I am sure they will be happy to tell you what is involved.
Just an FYI that I never knew...or maybe this is new. My bill from my vet for dew claws is described as "amputation"!


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