when i was walking Lobo. he was sniffing around and all the sudden he ate a piece of poop, yack..... i tried to get the most out of his mouth but he swallowed a bit of it and made me soooo worry. TT' is he gonna be hurt from this. is it normal for dogs to do this things? Lobo is just 3 months old and this is my first time dealing with this kind of situation.

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Corgis love to roll in and eat all kinds of poop , It grosses me out to no end but our vet's say there's nothing you can do but keep them away from it and hope that they (our dogs) have the heart-worm preventative in case of parasites. As my mom always said and she was the one that made me the corgi lover that I am today "Leave it to a CORGI to find the most rottenest thing and they will get at it".
Luckily Ella doesn't eat poop anymore. For months I did the "NO, leave it" and I kept her away from any as best I could. We got her at age 8 months, and she stopped doing it around maybe a year old. I'm not sure if the "no" stuff worked or is she just outgrew it. I also would wash her mouth out with a soapy paper towel, so maybe she didn't like that, lol.
She will still sniff it, and was going to roll in some kind of wild animal poopy the other day, but I just reinforce the "no" and then walk her away.
Good luck, I know it can be so gross and annoying.
I think this is a dog thing, not just a Corgi thing. My Corgis have outgrown it for the most part as they got older. "Leave it" was one of Murray's first commands. He actually will usually obey and even spit out whatever he was quick enough to pick up. Our "litter-robot" keeps him from the cat poop which seems to be so irresistible to so many dogs.
My father has a miniature duck and his 2 corgis LOVE eating its poop in the house...they race to see who can eat it first!
oh yes, we have a cat in our neighborhood that sh&%$# all over our yard whenever the dogs are inside. In the morning when Bailey gets out, she immediately finds some of the poo and will eat it...It is disgusting, but I haven't been able to stop it..I usually try to get her to leave it. However, I have to have something really excited to trade her for the cat poo..She also has a liking for sheep poo :-( when we are at herding, Bailey likes to take a little break to eat some sheep poo...gross...
I have no idea how to stop this...
Unless you're with your Corgi whenever they poo, and can immediately remove it...it's NOT easy. I posted earlier that I tried every product and got supplements in case our Corgis were lacking enzymes, nutrients, et al. Nothing worked. We just loved our Corgis enough to "ignor" this gross behavior.
I would suggest watching It's Me or the Dog with the episode about the 5 pugs eating poop. Victoria Stilwell has some good advice about what you can do. There is supposed to be a food that you can feed your dog that tastes good only the first time but not if he tries to eat his own poop.
Goldy ate so much poop at the farm on Friday night that I was up with her as she puked it up at 2am Saturday morning. Vomit that smells like poop. I must love her...because I didn't kill her.
Aber has always adored cat poo---tootsie rolls from kittie! He used to find ways to sneak into the cat box and a couple of times, since I didn't know, I thought his kidneys were failing. He was drinking gallons of water, always wanting to pee, and finally just letting loose mad diarrhea on the rug. When I caught him with litter on his nose, I knew the truth--the clumping clay litter was drying him out and upsetting his digestion. Now we use chicken feed for litter, so there's no harm in him or Ragnar eating it, but it's still gross. Ragnar has raided the cat boxes a couple of times until we figured out how to keep him out--he's quite crafty. And he ate some cat poo outside. And he ate some cat diarrhea off the floor and then spent a solid 45 minutes throwing it up. This was the worst. Half-digested cat runs smell like hot hellish death! Fortunately he needed to see the vet that day already, so I could make sure he hadn't done himself harm. The vet's response? "It doesn't make his breath very nice, does it?" Apparently poop eating is just par for the course. I hear it typically has more protein in it than your average dog food. no wonder they love it.
So glad to know that I'm not the only one that found that smell to be the MOST DISGUSTING thing I have ever smelled. Not much turns my stomach, but OMG it was absolutely FOUL. And the fact that it came out of her mouth and not her butt, just about sent me over the edge.

Hot hellish death - so accurate.
Mine has always loved cat and goose poops. The cat poo problem was easily solved - the litter boxes are in the basement and the pet door is just barely big enough for the biggest cat, and definitely not big enough for a corgi. Goose poo is another story. There's a lake by our house that at certain times of year has HUNDREDS (or it least it seems that way) of geese. There are goose crossing signs on the roads, that's how many there are. Unfortunately, with that many geese, the lawn around the lake turns into a minefield of goose poop. So in the spring, my corgi invariably either rolls around in the goose doo, and in the winter, she enjoys eating goose poo pops straight off the lawn. Ewwwww.
I've heard that adding pineapple to their food will make their own poo less invitingly delicious to them, but it doesn't work on every dog. I guess it's work a try. Ragnar went through a brief spell of eating his own too, but fortunately that stopped, and I think it was more of a housebreaking issue than anything--he was disposing of evidence rather than snacking.


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