I know corgis love their food but wow, mine doesnt let me forget when its dinner time!!!

How does he let me know its time for him to eat, well of course with his big bossy bark!!!
I actually was feeding him dinner around 5 or 5:30. I then switched his feeding to an earlier time because, I thought maybe since he was eating breakfast around 7:30 that he was just eating dinner too late. He now eats dinner at 4:00 and guess what? Yes, he is still barking letting me know its time to eat, lol.

I dont think it matters what time I feed him he would automatically adjust to that time and start barking anytime of the day he would eat. I think he has a built in timer, lol.

Lance really doesnt do this for breakfast though, once in awhile but not alot for breakfast but dinner oh yeah!!

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Potus definitely seems to get a bit more 'howly' around dinner. It usually starts a bit before dinner time, like he's trying to attract attention to himself, thinking if we notice him then we'll feed him. He doesn't do it at breakfast though.
The Didi is of the opinion that all times are dinner time.
LOL All day long.
Tucker just pays very close attention to everything I do when I am in the kitchen. When dinner time is near he follows me even closer than usual. When I actually feed him - Smooshie the cat comes in and starts meowing like crazy looking for her meal. She has food left out all day but she still feels left out that she doesn't get a meal when Tucker does.

I bought some wellness canned salmon yesterday as a treat to add to Tuckers food so I had to give Smooshie some - she was purring so loud while she ate alongside Tuck. He is so good too - he finished chowing down in a minute and he eyed up her food but never bothered her.

All four of mine just come and stare at me. No barking. No whining. Just all four little faces staring at me and licking their lips. It makes me a little apprehensive, because I see their minds working. If dinner ends up being late....

I'm sure they're all plotting to send Caleb in to trip me and the rest will eat me, like lions on a Zebra.

It works. I get right up and feed them. ;)
Gotta love the corgi stare!!!! Ella will tilt her head to one side and do the stare.
well... Pooka is actually a very reluctant eater. I give her a cup in the morning and at night, but it will usually take a few hours for her to get to it and there if often food still left over when it's time to add the next serving. Also, if we're travelling or she's staying somewhere else, it will take her about 3 days to act normal and eat more than 1/2 a cup a day. (not worried about it, if I do 3/4 cup, she's much better, but my husband LIKES her not being food driven and requested I keep it the same)

But we HAVE noticed, that something that will prompt her to start eating is when we start preparing food for ourselves. Probably because I'll drop pieces of ingredients into her bowl if she's eating (considered "good" behavior) So this is the closest I got, lol.
my cody would starve he never acts one way or another, Jordan starts nuginging me with his nose and stares HARD at me, and Teagen over the last couple weeks has figured out what he's doing so she's starting to brat bark till her food hits the ground =)
Breakfast Ella will eat while I'm at work, so she doesn't pay much attention to that. However I feed her dinner when us humans sit down to dinner. So if I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner, she knows that her food is soon to follow. If I am cooking something that takes a long time she will get a bit impatient and sit near my feet and look at me. She never fusses too much unless we sit down to dinner and she doesn't have hers.
Mine let me know every minute of everyday is dinner time...
Chloe gets fed at 5 p.m. for dinner. Around 4:15 she gets very vocal. I also have an alarm that goes off at 5 p.m., but even before the music plays Chloe is very close by, and will come and get me when the alarrm goes off.


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