Have you ever felt like, you and your dog has been discriminated against in some way, whether it was through someone's speech or not allowed in certain areas, such as parks?

I recently went to a festival with my boyfriend and Gible, Gible was strapped into a harness and at our feet every step of the way. I usually pay a great deal of attention to his interactions, or just in general to see his behavior with all of the people around and for his age (being just a year) he was doing great, giving him positive feedback and what not.  we stopped at a booth, to look at some jewelry, and he was out our feet with the leash held tight, so he couldn't trip anybody. a family walked by, with a girl, and he loves kids so he stood up excitedly, to which a woman started screaming at me and my boyfriend, that we needed to better control "it" aka Gible, in a very angrily lengthy rant about how her kid is afraid of dogs, and that "it" went after her, and she could be traumatized. and when we tried explaining he wouldn't hurt a fly, she interrupted with her hateful tone and repeated "it" words at us. as if he was some object rather than a living soul.

Long story short, me, and a few other by standers were in a way appalled by her hateful tone, to what they saw as a pretty well behaved pooch.  It left a bad taste in my mouth,  even if  very few people act out like this, it just baffles me on why you'd choose to speak to someone in a degrading tone vs asking/mentioning politely  or why you'd walk so close by a dog in the first place... but hey, what do i know?

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It takes all kinds to make up this world.  With people like that you just give them that once over look with a raised eyebrow that says who are you anyways and then ignore them, they are not worth your attention or a second thought.  If you're young it takes practice but by the time you hit 60 you have it down pat.

I agree with Linda. I also wonder if the woman herself was afraid of dogs and is "teaching" her child to be just by her own behavior. There are all kinds of people out there...don't let one person who set a BAD example make or break your day...I know it can be frustrating.

I have always had just the opposite experience. Adults and children always come up to us and ask to pet the dog and I always encourage it. With small children I get down to ground level keep a finger in the color just in case Jeli might want to jump up and lick some food off their face. Don't be discouraged. I don't think many people are as negative as the woman you encountered.

yeah, I mostly do too. earlier that day with a woman who had a 2 year old, come up and pet him, and I did the same, but he was surprisingly calm with her. she stuck her hands in his mouth and he even tried spitting them out instead of nibbling like I thought he would. the woman was more concerned with her child being rough than my dog, so that was a good experience.

Jane and Linda, I wholeheartedly agree, i sometimes fall under the category of being over analytical. frankly i was glad i didn't say anything at all and drop down to the level she was on, who knows how long she would have ranted for if I had! thank you all for the encouragement :)

I also would have had to restrain myself from responding in a non-adult way:)

Just practice that lifted eyebrow with the once over look that says who the hell are you and why are you bothering me.  It works great in all situations.  I perfected it when my daughter was a baby....see there are some people who had a problem because my daughter was adopted from Korea and wondered why white, American babies weren't good enough for me.  It beat me getting ticked off and telling them they were jerks. 

Wow! You have a great deal more dignity than I do. Sure wish I could pull that off. I'd have been hard put to restrain myself from throttling the idiots.

Oh f'rhevvinsake. Some people are just crazy, Tali'Sha. Her kid is probably scared because she has a crazy mama, not because she's afraid of dogs. Wouldn't we all be a mess if we had a mother like that?

Just let it roll off your feathers.

I think in life its pretty normal to "occasionally" meet these kind of people, in every aspects. Just don't take it to your heart and pity her because she just make herself look utterly stupid. even if someone else might agree with her, well, the person is stupid too, although certain conditions may apply.

PS: Believe me, where I live now..I meet these unreasonable people on daily basis. *sigh* Thanks goodness there are some improvements at least.

Haha, I like your thought process on the matter Natsuhi and Vicky. Linda, i will definitely start practicing the brow technique. Some people's closed-minded behaviors  can  still be quite surprising, but I can take pride in hopefully laughing off the stupidity others may exhibit.

i suppose it mainly ticked me off because i've always had a soft spot for those who get bullied, "the little guy" and always eager to come to the defense of those that may need it.


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