I have a barking problem i haven't been able to solve. At home Roslyn will alert me to anyone that pulls into our drive, a neighbors dog, people walking down the street... etc. All of which she does one or two deep gruff barks and looks back at me. I Thank her and she just sits and watches... such a nice girl!
Yet at the dog park... If two dogs are playing together and running around she decides she must police them. Barking loudly, "herding" (an untrained, uncontrolled, natural type...), and obsessing. If the dogs like it, play will spark and everyone is happier for it... but if the other dogs are annoyed by her behavior... or if one is extremely unbalanced, her barking escalates the behaviors and i have to physically remove her from the situation... which is hard because she is so much faster than me.
I can get "leave it" or "quiet" to work at home, or with calm dogs... but not in the situations i need it to be the most effective. I also don't know what the proper etiquette at the dog park is. Am I the one escalating the behavior by quieting her every time she barks during play? Or as the dog owner is it my responsibility to play by other dogs rules (such as when they turn on her for barking)?
Any suggestions?