I am starting to get really frustrated and discouraged with this search for a 2nd dog. I had contacted breeders and have now had 3 people offer their adults to me but all were asking $1000+. My PERFECT puppy (in pretty much EVERY way) was also offered to me by my dream breeder, but was also $1000. Due to my current financial situation I had to turn down all of them. The puppy was the hardest since she is basically EXACTLY what I wanted when I first started searching and ended up finding Franklin. 

I have scoured rescue sites, craigslist, and classified ads for a corgi without much success. I have applied to 2 different rescues who have corgis that fit the description of what I want, again without success. I found a wonderful little dog in rescue today and then come to find out it is the SAME dog who was at animal control just yesterday and had 6 applications for it, but now its in a rescue with a $375 adoption fee and rescues never approve me because I don't have a fenced yard. 

I even took Franklin to meet one of the rescues at my school who is not a corgi but a very sweet dog. I had put my name down to adopt her back in September (they are available for adoption at the end of the school year in April). Well despite being super friendly with people she is MAJORLY dog aggressive. She was really intense and focused on Franklin in the beginning of our walk and took the trainer quite some time to calm her down and a long walk to get her to not focus so much on Franklin and then when we finally allowed them to get a bit closer to each other she bit at Franklin when his back was turned, totally unprovoked. The meet and greet today really put me over the edge. I was SO SURE she was going to work out because she has seemed so sweet and friendly so far, she was kind of my back up plan for if I couldn't find a corgi by April. Well so much for that idea. I have grown very attached to her figuring she would be my future dog, but I re-homed Truck mostly due to dog aggression so there is no way I can take on a 50 pound dog with the same sneak attack aggression Truck had. I am just SO FRUSTRATED with all the dead ends! I wish I had the money to buy that puppy and just get this over with! I know she'd be perfect. Anyway, if anyone hears of a tri-color corgi, adult or puppy in or around California, please keep me posted! The search continues....

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Two of the adults were in California (one in Northern and one in Southern) and then the other one was in Texas. I have actually been thinking mix, BUT my priorities for a dog pretty much match exactly what you were looking for. I don't want a small dog and am not looking at all for a typical small breed yapper (I have a chihuahua so can say this! lol). So corgi is pretty much it that fits that category. However, I have been thinking labs and lab mixes but they would be  breaking my apartments pet policy as I am not allowed to have a dog over 35 pounds. I am REALLY hoping this tri-color male works out. I can't go meet him until next week but he sounds perfect. He's only 10 months old so young enough to still work out behavior issues and he is good with other dogs. They will have him in foster for the next week as well so can maybe assess if he is potty trained and a chewer and things like that. Crossing my fingers and toes! I posted a picture of him in one of my above responses

Hope the young tri works out!

There's also a Corgi-mix litter on petfinder that is adorable. There were 6 or 7 babies available earlier in the week, and the mom too. Here's the link heck out this combination!


Pet Thumbnail Pet Thumbnail

Miniature Pinscher/Corgi [Mix]

  • Breed: Miniature Pinscher/Corgi [Mix]
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: Baby
  • Size: Medium

they are in PA, I am in CA. Plus I don't want a puppy. But they are very cute! :-)

Yuki, Ellie and I will be sending as many good vibes your way as possible!  I really hope that this works out for you, Melissa.  You do such a fantastic job with Franklin and I know you've been doing a lot of searching.  Hopefully the meet-and-greet goes well!  Keep us updated!

Looking forward to hearing how things go with your possible new furkid! 

impatiently waiting for the rescue to contact me to set up a time to meet him! i hope it works out!

Good luck :).My son and daughter-in-law tried to get him before he left the shelter.Looks like a good pup.Keep Us posted,Melissa.

yeah seems very unfair that there were 6 people waiting for him in front of me at the shelter and the rescue pulled him and I jumped the line. I feel bad for those others but hope it works out! If it doesn't I will let you know and maybe your son can have him after all! :-D 

i will be on the lookout for you


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