Today my stepfather left dog food where Becca could get it while I wasn't home. I'm not sure how much she are, at least a few cups. Her belly is kinda tight. We are visiting at my moms so I can't call our vet there is no emergency vet nearby either. Please keep your fingers crossed that she works through it fine. It has been about five hours, do far so good. I don't plan on feeding her until sometime tomorrow.

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oh no!! Hope Becca is ok!! 

As long as she isn't showing signs of distress she should be fine.  I'd make sure she got some good walks in to help her digest all that kibble and plenty of fresh water as she wants it.  Make sure you have some big poop bags handy on those walks.

She probably will be fine. I agree with access to water, walks and keep an eye on her. Very light feeding for a couple days. If she gets bloody stool or stops drinking call a vet. Fortunately since most corgis are "pigs" most have a strong stomach.

All seems well this morning. She has pooped more than normal, but I expect that. I have her quarter rations this morning. She didn't approve and drove moms dog off her own dish and 'shared'.

Lots of poop bags on those walks!  Glad she is feeling ok this morning.  Of course she is not happy getting less than her normal corgi would be. Even their normal amount is not enough...ever.


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