Eddy has always been on-and-off with eating stuff off the ground. As a puppy, he was relentless, but then began to obey our strict "NO"''s. Of course, a week later or something, he would go back. Off and on, etc etc. Now he's 8 months, and...
We just can't break him of this!
We feed him 3X a day, and sometimes I cook him up some rice and veggies, or an egg, or mix in some canned dog food, or add some fish oil, share a banana with him, in other words, we spice it up and he gets a wide variety.
He also never attempts to eat poo, which would be a sign of lack of minerals and vitamins. He will attempt to eat other dog's puke, but that's always a rare freak occurence anyways, and chances are other dogs are lappin' it up, too (GROSS!).
At the park or out on walks, he is ravenously searching for twigs, nuts, fallen fruits/berries, big leaves, any random thing to gobble down. Like we are starving him. I don't know what to do!!! He knows "Drop it" for regular things, frisbees, big sticks, the like, and he obeys "Leave it" when, for example, someone drops their gloves on the ground and he is tempted to steal them. But when he starts mowing down on some weird thing, he runs away with it, trying to keep it away from me and other dogs, and will swallow it ASAP, and not listen to anyone.
My problem with this is isn't that he gets sick or tries to eat trash or plastic, he only eats organic things, but his obsession with it is crazy. He would rather hunt for little things to eat than play with other dogs at the park; he is constantly wanting to stop me on walks to try to eat something as well.
How do I motivate him? I carry treats in my pocket, he is very obedient in every other aspect. How do I discipline him when he bolts away and eats it in 3 seconds?