hi everyone i would really need some advice on the situation/problem i am having with teddy. for some reason he is scared of dogs. not every one he has meet but 90% of them. as a pup i a made sure i socialized him to kids and dogs as much as possible. when he was 6months old he was chewing a bone and this rottie bit him on the nose. after that he began to fear big dogs. i only took him to the dog park 3times because he didnt like it since he is submissive and the other dogs would bully him so i would end up just leaving. the only breed of dogs he dosnt mind are beagles,dachshunds,female corgis,and basset hounds.

heres the problem. when we are walking he will see another dog and growls. i give a tug on the leash and say "hey" or no. he lowers his ears, looks away, walks sideways and growls the whole time up until the dogs passes by. its happens every single time. i have tried to have him greet the other dog but he wants nothing to do with the other dogs. sometimes he will air snap and run away.

i have tried clicker training but as soon as he sees the other dog (they can be very far away from him) he wants nothing to do with the treat and dosnt respond to the clicker(click and treat when he looks at the other dog and not growling)

at this one time it got so bad that he was struggling to get off his leash and run and making weird nosies i tried to walk away but would move, the only thing i could think of as i was so embarrassed was..i know a lot of people are going to frown is..i put him on his side gently and gave him a massage up until the dog walked by so he would calm down. he didnt make a sound or anything. i know thats using dominance but at the time i didnt know what else to do, the dog wasn't even paying attention to teddy. thats the only time i have done that. i still feel bad for doing it but i was gentle and i messaged him the whole time

i dont believe in using negative things such as prong collars,choke chains, or shock collars. i only believe in using positive methods such as the clicker or anything else that is positive. mainly because teddy is super sensitive about everything so i know that wouldn't work.

its a big issue as we are going home on Friday for the holidays and my sister has a hyper German short hair pointer and i dont know how to introduce them.

please advice so teddy can actually play with other dogs. once he gets to know them hes fine but its that first time meeting them when he scared

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Actually your instincts were pretty good. Trying to distract him was good. Next time try it with treats in your pocket and try to keep him focused on you. A treat when you encounter other dogs will help him associate it as a good thing. When you go home for the holidays I would introduce them outside on a leashed walk without a greeting just side by side. Once they have walked together (not too close) it should calm them down enough to be OK.  If necessary you both may have to have your dogs leashed and with you at first in the house just to keep things calm. Good luck this is probably just a stage he is going through.

thank you. i sure hope its just a stage. i have tried giving him treats when he sees another dog but he then wants nothing to do with the treats:( im not sure why. i keep trying to distract him but its just something so strong to him that even him chasing me dosnt seem fun to him.


i hope that my sister allows me to introduce him slowly to her dog, as she has no idea how to train pups so if she dosnt and just brings him into the house i dont know what i am going to do

Franklin is scared of big dogs. He doesn't growl or bark, but he cowers when big dogs are around. Once he gets to know them and see that they aren't going to hurt him he is fine and LOVES to play. Teddy may just not like other dogs. Some dogs are like this, I've had one dog who I socialized young, he had NO negative interactions with other dogs, no injuries or bites, but he just decided he didnt like other dogs adn would rather be around humans. Its very common. One big thing is not to force the issue. Dont make him interact with other dogs, don't take him to the dog parks where wild crazy dogs are running out of control. Try to make introductions and plan interactions with calm mellow dogs so that he will learn that not every dog is out to get him. I would be VERY careful having him around a hyper big dog. He is likely to get scared and injured when the big dog is just happy and playing. Like Bev suggested, introduce by going on a leash walk, make sure the pointer has been run ragged before you get there so he isn't as hyper. Don't let them interact off leash until you see what the pointer is going to do. Another thing that may work is let Teddy off  leash and keep the pointer on a leash (if he isn't aggressive). This may help Teddy feel less trapped and will let him come say hi on his own terms. If the pointer is too much for Teddy you may just have to rotate dogs in and out of the house over the vacation. Its not ideal but its better than seriously traumatizing Teddy.

i agree. i want to this at his pace and if i have to i will make a system of rotating dogs. my sister said her dog is super friendly and respects dog body language. i will have her keep her dog on a leash and wait for teddy to come up to him and them have them walk together outside. i believe that will work.


teddy absolutely loves people and wants to be with us all day long which i must say i would rather him be un friendly to other dogs rather than children but still i want to nick this in the butt before i have more episodes like that last in counter 

I think this needs to be in steps. Before introduction to passing dogs, make sure he is well on the leash and listens to your commands when people approach. If likes people and wants to approach then work with him on having someone walk past you, across from you, playing with a ball, and whatever else you can think of and make him walk nicely without hesitation or a sound. When they approach, he should be respectful and allow them to approach without him going to them. If you tell him to sit he is to sit and hold it. Once you get this down, then hit the streets. Do not baby him...when another dog is in sight and he starts to react...do as you've done by jerking the leash and telling him to hush and continue walking...if he tugs on the leash do a quick turn the other way he's pulling and yank him so he is back with you. If this is not working then stop, make him sit and hold it...trust me, you will need to stay after him, be firm, patient, and consistent.  Don't put you hand on him...your hand is for reward..not reprimand. The leash and collar are your communication tools along with your body. Try to stay one step ahead of him, keeping him sitting. One of the best ways to practice this is try to find a yard that has a fenced in dog out alot of the times and one that reacts to passers. Walk back and forth and when he sits and stays or walks with out pulling, but maybe a slight grumble then your on your way...as he gets older he will be better. By allowing him to react this way, not saying you are but right now he is, he gets into a frenzy and is not thinking, so you have to teach him to refrain and control himself and then that adrenalin doesn't get produced. With in time he will learn by controlling himself the other dogs will react differently and it will be a more positive atmosphere. Again..this type of behavior can get so out of hand and become very aggressive. I don't tolerate uncontrolled behavior or aggression. You'll be amazed what a simple "ah ah" and his name and a "ssshhhh" will do once he starts to learn from your exercises.

thank you for the advice:). i do not tolerate aggression either at home. if he does something wrong i immediately address it. i love him very much but i never baby him as it is not good for dogs. i have for months tried to get this under control but after that one incident i knew i needed advice. he does love people and wants to say hello all the time so i will do what you said. at first i will have him sit while people walk by and then have dogs walk by and have him sit. now i know not to touch him, i will just yank on the leash and say "hey" 


i am hoping to get through this as me being his "pack leader"  and teacher i want to show him that dogs are not scary but fun. i do need to be calm when doing this along with patient. he has sit down and dosnt move until i say so but the real test will be when the people/dogs walk by. the last thing i want is for it to get out of hand. now all i gotta do is practice and find something that he cant find resist 

Rebecca, this might help.  Or this.  Dogster sends me e-mail tips periodically for Jon and this happened to be in my inbox today.  Teddy and Jon are close to the same age.  Hope Teddy does okay over the holidays.

thank you for the links! they had some wonderful info in them and it confirmed one of my thoughts with the head collar. i was wondering if that would work and from it said it will aid in what i am trying to do and will help him focus on me.  am going to petco to day so i am going to give it a shot


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