He got a chicken back, neck, liver, and heart tonight for dinner. He ate it pretty fast-- well, he swallowed the liver almost whole and broke the neck into inch-long pieces, then swallowed it. He DEFINITELY enjoyed it. Afterward, he pawed at the cracks in the deck for more, lol. When we came inside, though, he started whining. He layed down a little and I pet him all while he was whining. Then, he jumped off the couch, went to the door, and we went outside. He pooped a little, then wanted me to kick the soccer ball around. We went back inside, and he started throwing his toys around willy-nilly. Do you think the whining is just because he wanted more? It passed so quickly... maybe he had a slightly upset tummy because of eating so fast? :\ The whining itself lasted a little while so I'm concerned. I'm hoping it's because he's a spoiled brat, hahaha.