I heard that a tsp of flaxseed oil mixed into dry food helps with shedding. Has anyone else heard of this or tried it?

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I have no knowledge on this other than I do know flaxseed is good for dogs! You can also use ground flaxseed just not whole.
Well, it depends. If your dog has a dry or damaged coat and/or is missing key fatty acids in its diet, oils like flaxseed or fish oil can help.

However, if your Corgi's coat is going through its natural growth cycle and it's shedding out the old, dead hairs than nothing will help that. It's just the nature of double-coated dogs.
I use Shed Stop by Farnam's on my dogs. It really helps!
You can get it lots of places but make sure its Farnams. There is another brand of Shed Stop but Im not familiar with it.
It elimiates 70% of the non seasonal shedding. Seems to work well on my dogs and it makes their coats so shiny! Hope this helps!

I just got this article in my inbox:


Why Essential Fatty Acids?

Has you pet been troubled by the Autumn Itchies? If so, they would probably benefit from additional EFAs in their diet.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are called "essential" because they must be obtained through food. Fresh meats and plants have EFA's but are usually low in Omega-3s, which is why we recommend supplementing the diet with fish oil, the most efficient source of Omega-3 EFAs for our carnivorous dogs and cats.

Why are Omega-3 EFA supplements important?
Reduces inflammation found with arthritis, allergies, colitis, and other chronic disease.
Promotes the healthy functioning of the nervous system, including the brain.
Promotes healthy skin and reduces problems like hot spots and shedding.
Slows cancer and yeast growth.
Most foods, despite their claims, don't have enough Omega-3s to be truly effective for improving health. Dry food in particular cannot contain enough - it wouldn't be dry if it did, would it?

Fish oil is one of the most important supplements you can add to your pet's food to prevent and treat illness, including problems we've sadly come to consider normal in our pets.
Thanks guys. This is really helpful =)
I started using Farnam's shed stop 2 weeks ago, I was told it would take up to about 6 weeks to see the full benefit from adding this to her diet; however I have already seen an improvement, shinier and the shedding has started to slow a bit.



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