The first stage of making Frankie a therapy dog...coming soon, his temperament testing is on the ninth and then ill learn if hes got the makings. Next ill have to have my temperament tested , and see if im social hahaha!

Im very excited about doing this and hope we can make a difference in our community..

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congrats and good luck!

frankies eyes are beautiful, by the way:)

Beautiful eyes and you have already made a difference. Thanks for being such a good caretaker

Thanks Steve..your right about that, all of us who are taking good care are making a difference.

It will be enriching to all involved and well worth the effort! Kudos.

You will love it:) It is so rewarding and fun! As for your temperament...just remain quiet...they want the dog and  the person accompanying them is just another person(haha)! Go Frankie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent point Jane! All that's needed it to just let the dogs do their magic.....and be awed.

haha Jane, i will take your advice! 

Good luck, Frankie!  I'll be going down the same road in another year or two.  Yuki is going to be going to obedience (and behavior mod if he needs it) to work on some of his barking issues and then I'm going to get him ready to get his CGC.  I'm sure Ellie will be following not too long after that!

Well Frankie still barks , especially when he sees a cat out the window , or a squirrel out side, things dogs do.. .. like right now. hahaha, hes practicing , i have to divert him and shake can of coins at him and he will working on that and the lady from Delta says even if they are not perfect its good to get started so we can see what needs work.. But he does mind me, if im firm enough!

 Also he wants to jump up  to greet you if you dont bend down to pet him..and im sure thats a no no.. working on that one too...

Just an FYI....Sage can distinguish when she is working vs being at home where she is a bit more wild and will run out the door barking. When the martingale and the short leash gets attatched it's like she knows it's time to work:)

WOW~~ that was a long night Says Frankie...Temperament testing for the Delta Society Dog Therapy.
Hes probably wondering what just happened to him and why we were ask so many questions? why did he have to do this and do that? And why couldn't he play with all those dogs!! So mean ..of course he's sound asleep now and im tired too!!
  He did pretty good, still knows his sit stay and down , leash pulling was a little bad but he was so excited about all the other dogs , he could have passed the CGC all over again though :) .. Ill find out next week after the members talk over the scores of all the dogs who were evaluated tonight.
This program is so amazing , im hoping its not to much work for him, it looks a little hard. ... to bad Carly cant do this her energy level is so much higher. Unfortunately on the other hand her tolerance for people is much lower..


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