A few months ago Franklin won a model contest where he won a photo shoot modeling a bed for magazine and online ads. Well, yesterday he finally had his photo shoot! Overall, at the risk of sounding ungrateful, the shoot was not at all what I thought it would be. It lasted a total of about 20 minutes and the photographer didn't have me help at all, so the result was a bunch of pictures of Frank laying in the exact same pose. It really is a bummer because Franklin is a super model! He is so great at posing for pictures and could have had some incredibly cute poses for the ad. I guess it's their loss :-) The cool part was, he was supposed to get the bed he modeled, I went on their website and picked out a few of my favorite beds because it was unclear whether I got to pick the bed or they would pick it for me. They ended up picking the bed for me, BUT it was the EXACT bed I had picked for myself! It was so great! Franklin was great for the shoot, stared right at the camera the whole time, and everyone fell in love with him. He was so funny because he would pose for about 20 seconds, jump up and go over the the photographer for a treat and then run and jump back in the bed and pose again lol. Definitely a will work for food situation! I will post photos from the shoot as soon as they send them to me. Until then, here is a photo I took myself once I got home.....and yes, he is posing here lol

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When do we get to see the pictures and where? Hope he enjoys the bed! What magazine?

So cute!

Melissa, Congratulations to you and Franklin!  It sounds like Franklin's moment in the bright lights was normal for a quick product shoot.  Modeling isn't as glamorous as we might imagine.   My late pal, Watson, did some photo shoots for PetSmart several years ago and they were pretty much the same as Franklin's.  Remember that the product is the subject of the shoot and that Franklin, for all his considerable Corgi charm, was only decoration.   But now that Franklin has shown his stuff and done a good job, hopefully more work might come his way.  Simple shoots like that can pay enough $ to keep him in kibble for quite some time.

Steve, I will post the pictures once they send them to me, he will be in Life and Dog magazine, and supposedly also on P.L.A.Y. (the bed company)'s website

Doug- I guess I was just disappointed because it wasn't supposed to be just a shoot for a product, part of the prize package was a photo shoot of Franklin. Basically, it was just a shoot for the bed. All in all it was still an awesome experience. Hopefully they will feature the ad as promised I can't wait to see Frank in print!

A star is born.  How fun for you and franklin!

Aww, he's such a good boy!  :)  I'm glad to hear he finally had his photo shoot, though it's a shame they didn't let you get him into different poses.  On the other hand, since he was such a good subject maybe they'll be contacting you again in the future for more work.  ;) 

I adore the pic you took!  Can't wait to see the photo shoot ones, either.

The funny thing was that it was like Franklin knew exactly what was expected of him. He's had a few photo shoots with a friend of mine who is a pet photographer so I think he kinda gets the whole modeling thing. Maybe that's why the shoot was so quick. He would lay in the bed and pose looking directly at the camera, ears forward, only thing missing was his signature head tilt! He will usually do a head tilt when you talk to him but every time the photographer tried to get him to do it by making funny noises he would get up and slowly stalk the noise maker, that was pretty funny too though. He would stalk the sound until he was right up in the photographers face and then give him a bunch of kisses, lol.  I guess at the end of the day all that matters is that he was the perfect little corgi and EVERYONE fell in love with his personality and his nubbin wags. He is always doing his part as an ambassador to the breed :-)


I saw his ad on Fido Friendly's website.  Adorable.

I had no idea they published an ad! Was it him modeling one of the beds? Or just that he won?

Sorry Melissa.  It was on the P.L.A.Y. facebook page on Wed. 


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