After watching “Sparky’s kibble dance” for the hundredth time….I was thinking about my girl’s odd food habit.

The Best of Sparky's Kibble Dance


Her food and water dishes are in our kitchen which has linoleum flooring.


She likes to pick up a mouthful of food and carry it into the living room. She sets it down on the carpet. Then before your can say “squirrel” she gets distracted.


She may even repeat this a few times before she is ready to chow down at her bowl.


If she is feeling lazy she carries it over to a throw rug in stead of all the way into the living room.


We have tried leaving it for her to eat, but that doesn’t work. When she finds it later she sniffs it and walks away.


Does anyone else’s dog have and odd quirks?


I would love to hear about them.

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Our 5 1/2 month old puppy is a strange eater too!  In order to get her to eat, you have to play 'bowling for corgis' with her! LOL I literally sit at the bowl and toss kibbles to her 1 at a time. Then she dances around each kibble, throws it in the air, runs to her bed, then finally eats it.  I do this 5-10 times, then leave it up to her.  Most of the time she will eventually make her way over to the bowl. but she still removes 5-6 kibbles, takes them to her bed and plays with them first. It's really kind of bizarre!  My last corgi used to almost choke herself trying to eat as fast as possible, so sometimes it worries me trying to get this new little one to eat, but I know she won't starve herself, although sometimes she does skip a meal. I've tried to get it on video a few times, but then she's just interested in the camera!  Too Funny!
Ginger did this for a long time too!  She grew out of it at about 6 months.  She'll still occasionally want me to roll the food towards her, but it's rare.
My first corgi Chloe would take 4 or 5 pieces in her mouth and walk away from the bowl and into the living room put them on the floor and eat them one at a time, then go back and get some more.  We always thought that she would never finish her dinner at that pace.  Now Solomon does this weird little thing, I mix his dry with his veggies.  I make sure to mix it real good but put some dry kibble on top.  He will remove the kibble on top by depositing it on the floor around in the general area and eat the veggies, lick the inside of the bowl clean.  I will always tell him that he needs to clean up his mess and of course I get a lovely belch with a butt twist.  I wait for him to go into the other room and put the pieces left over back into the bowl and he comes around the corner as if to say, "hey I did that on purpose and now you have messed it up"  Sure is funny how they eat!!!
Lando Oliver and Bootsie both do circles before dinner, makes me wonder if we could do the dancing corgi thing.

I love hearing stories about other corgi habits.


Thanks everyone for sharing!

: )

Not so cute but Sparty likes to bark while I am dishing out the dinners. He knows he won't get fed until he shuts up so as soon as all three bowls are filled he shuts up and sits. I have tried a few things to put an end to it but it is hard with 3 dogs as the other two frequently take it more to heart and they aren't the bad ones. I think a dance would be a lot cuter!

:  )



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