I recently adopted an adult Pembroke Welsh Corgi (possibly a mix) whom I renamed Sully Mae, AKA Sully. I think every dog has specific personality traits and needs and some breeds have traits that require research and some patience to manage effectively. This site has been very helpful for understanding some of the quirks that seem typical of the breed. I needed a dog that would enjoy a calm rural setting in our small town and be able to adapt to apartment living.

Sully Mae was advertised as being calm and laid-back, which was very accurate. She and I have very similar personalities and preferences. She is sensitive and overly submissive, but very calm, adaptable and easy-going. we are working with an animal behavioral student to build her confidence and she is becoming much less tense. From my limited experience I would highly recommend the breed, but I can't say how every dog might respond and I didn't have the time or energy for a puppy. I considered several breeds, but I was not interested in a tiny lap dog. Smaller dogs may be equally trainable but Corgis seemed more sturdy, independent, adaptable and trainable. I think corgis either bark a LOT, or very seldom. Sully rarely barks. When I do run into a problem, such as a bout of some stomach virus we dealt with this week, or skin allergies, it is great to have a site to turn to. Thanks!

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Welcome to the world of corgis and to MyCorgi!  We have adopted 3 adult Pems and each had different personality traits but each was perfect in their own way.  I'm glad you are helping her gain confidence in herself and her surroundings.  There is a ton of information on this site that seems to deal with just about any situation.  Corgis are smart and always eager to please, you will have a loving and devoted companion for many years to come.  Now...we need some pictures!

Hi Holly, welcome to the site! :) 

Sully is just gorgeous!  I am so glad you gave her a forever home!  I agree with everything you said about corgis.  We have two, they just turned nine, sometimes they are so smart  it scares me a little.  They always know what I am thinking, (sometimes before I do).  I wish you years and years of great corgi love!  Please post lots of pictures!

Thanks for this important tip. I always keep plastic bags and such out of reach but I never thought of the sturdy paper bags, such as the dog food bags, as having potentially lethal consequences for pets. I'm usually in the same room with my dog and I always leave Sully in a small section of my apartment with gates to keep her safe when I am out. She is usually in the same spot, sometimes sleeping peacefully, when I return. I was running late today and forgot to leave her blanket and stuffed monkey with her. Guess she has a "monkey on her back." She ripped off some of the baseboard trim while I was out for less than two hours and somehow she managed to escape her safe "chamber" which became a true panic room. Having read your post I already moved any bags and such from the rest of the house to be on the safe side. I am so glad she wasn't able to get into anything really dangerous. Thanks!

Sully looks lovely and I applaud your decision to work with a behavioral student to help you make her become more self confident. Great idea!  Sorry she got in trouble.  As you found out, dogs that are not very confident are helped by routine, so they know what to expect and when.  I adopted many dogs over time, including my Corgi.  You may consider a 36" crate for when you are gone ( as a safer alternative ) until she has been with you many months.  Once she has become totally secure in her environment and also is OK with your routine and its inevitable variations, you can start leaving her with her crate open.  That course of action will keep her safe when you are gone and avoid her getting into bad habits, which can be hard to break.  I know space can be at a premium in an apartment, but a crate can double as an end table or even night stand, with a nice cloth over it :-)

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the ideas. I used to keep Sully restrained in a small area of the bathroom and hallway. I used a large cabinet on one side and baby gate that she could see through on the other entrance. . Somehow she managed to escape the contained area one day but she does really well when left to roam in my small, highly baby and dog-proofed home. She has not done anything undesirable since the big beak out, except sitting on the recliner. I had to peek in the window to catch her at that. If that is the worst she can do, I'm happy. She only showed minor signs of separation anxiety in the beginning, but she seems petty content to stay alone now that she can lounge in the living room. Thanks for your suggestions!

Sounds really good!


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