I was checking Ginny's teeth this week and I found one of her molar's was broken.  There was a big chunk missing and you could see the pink pulp.  She wasn't acting like it was bothering her and eating fine, but I have to believe it must have been painful.  So she went into the vet today to have it removed.  They pulled the tooth and stitched up her gums and sent her home with pain meds and antibiotics.  She is very drowsy.  I put her on the floor on a soft folded up blanket and wrapped her in a few other blankets.  She doesn't usually like being covered up, but she didn't resist.  I read somewhere their body temp can drop a little when they're coming out of anesthesia so you should try to keep them warm.  I hope she's not in too much pain.  Has anyone else had a pup break a tooth?  How long did it take for it to heal?

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She will probably be bouncing around tomorrow! Mine have recovered very quickly after having a tooth pulled.

Tucker had to have a tooth removed after he broke it. He ate soft food for about a week and then he was back to normal. The mouth heals very quickly! I'm sure she'll feel better in no time.

She seems to be feeling much better.  I've kept her on canned food and probably will for a few more days just to give it a bit more time to heal.  The other dog gets just a little scoop mixed in with his dry food.  Good thing he's not real bright and doesn't realize he's being conned and she's getting the good stuff.  Anyhow, she's still on pain meds and antibiotics for a while, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all.  We want on a nice hike today and she did great.

Pretty sure that if the pooch is too warm she'll climb out from under the covers.

So sorry you and the pup had to go thru' this. Do you have any clue how the tooth might have been broken?

Not sure what caused it as I never saw it happen, just came across it when I was going to clean her teeth.  I suspect she might have fractured it chewing on an antler or something she found in the yard.  She's a pretty aggressive chewer (and she absolutely decimates stuffed toys).  I don't let her have bones, but she does have antlers.  I have taken the antlers away now because I think she just bites too hard. 

Here's an interesting post where a vet talks about antlers and similar chews: http://avetsguidetolife.blogspot.com/2012/04/safe-chew-toys.html


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