This is Buddy.  He is my grandson's corgi and has just lost his leg to cancer.  Even with treatment we can only expect him to live another year or two.  Fortunately Buddy doesn't know this and is happily chasing balls and sticks.  Then there is his passion.  SQUIRRELS!  We were wondering if there any other corgis fighting the same battle.

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We have raised a glass and toasted a really sweet dog and feel honored to have known Buddy.  This wasn't covered in the book "Grandmothering for Dummies".  Sigh.

Dear Cyndy,


It's the hardest of news to hear even though expected. We certainly feel for you here. I'm double-loving Petey today. Our hearts to you now.


Douglas and Petey



Im so sorry for you and your families loss.  Thinking of you during this difficult time and keeping you in our prayers.  It is never an easy thing, losing a loved one.  Once again, Im so sorry.  Hugs...


We are here for you during this diffucult time.  Here is a group for the corgis who have gone to the rainbow bridge:

So sorry for your loss..

I'm so so very sorry.....  Thank you so much for letting us share this very difficult and painful journey with you.  It has been uplifting, too, in that it's wonderful to know that there are people like you and your family who love and cherish their dogs so much.  You are an inspiration and so is Buddy, very much so.  I am happy that he passed peacefully and quietly in the home and the spot that he loved. 

Our hearts hurt for your family, so sorry for your loss.

Rest in peace Buddy...


Sparky and I are very sad to hear this. It's nice to know that Buddy was loved very much.
 So very sorry for your loss. There are many extra tears from the people reading this also! RIP Buddy!

Oh Cyndy I am so very sorry to hear of Buddy's passing.  We lost our old chap 4 years ago and although it is heartbreaking right now, you will soon remember him with smiles and laughter.

Goodnight Buddy, rest well xxxxx

so sorry for your loss! Buddy was a great dog and had a wonderful loving family. Franklin just left his bed and ran across the room and onto  my lap to lick my tears away. He must know these are tears shed for a corgi and his family, he has never done that before.
Thank you for all of your kind posts. I commented to my mother in law that I was actually taken by surprise that so many posted their condolences for our Buddy. She seemed a bit surprised herself by my comment and reminded me that everyone here at this site loves their animal family members like we do, and why wouldn't people be kind? You know, she's so right. I guess I always wondered if this crazy cancer journey was even on anyone elses radar. I promise, as a tribute to Buddy, to always remember to be a voice of kindness to people who love the way our family loves... Thank you all for helping our family to be able to understand that the sadness will be easier to take knowing that we have numerous "new" friends who also do REALLY know how we must be feeling. I am very thankful for this site and pray that I can be a friend to others just as all of you will forever be appreciated as the friends our family neededto hold onto us during this sad time. I guess this is a part of the "purpose" that I didn't anticipate benefitting from when I began sharing our cancer journey with others on .  THANK YOU all... I am very humbled  & comforted by the kindness this community has shown me and our family. You are wonderful people .
I think Cyndy has said it all very nicely as have the rest of you. On that note I will end this discussion.


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