So, I was playing grape fetch with my dog Buddha last night and tonight; thought it was hilarious. I posted this as my status on facebook when I got a call from my friend Rachael who told me that grapes are toxic to dogs!!!! Needless to say, I started FREAKING out. I researhed online, called a toxin hotline and then called the emergency clinic. My roommate and boyfriend initially told me not to take him and that he would be just fine but something just didn't feel right. He had around 15 grapes, weighs 18lbs, and was just neutered last week. He had been acting very jittery and hyper which I read was the first sign of poisoning. The Dr. told me to induce vomiting with salt. I gave him salt, but instead of vomiting he just laid there and looked very lethargic. I called the Dr. again and he told me to bring Buddha in. I raced to the clnic, even shook Buddha once bc I thought he had stopped breathing and finally got him to the clinic. They took him from me and I asked the receptionist what the prognosis and her facial affect was horrible and she said they were worried about kidney failure!! I started crying and was basically a mess. Everyone else in the waiting room was fine. The receptionist led me to a room and told me to wait for the Dr., I was panicking at this point. Buddha is only 7 months old and he really means the world to me; and my birthday is on Saturday! My boyfriend left his poker game (which he was winning) to come and console me which really meant and helped a lot. By the time the doctor came in I was sitting on his lap and sobbing while he was rubbing my back and telling me it was going to be ok. Jesus, and I am sure my eyes were blood shot. Anyway, he asked me a lot of questions and told me all the things they would have to do and to wait about an hour. SO, Jer went to walmart to buy him some wet dog food (I didnt even ask him to come or do any of this, he is a keeper fish for sure) and me some orange juice and then we both waited it out. I got Buddha back (222 dollars later) but we will not know if he will be ok until 72 hours have past. I was given some signs to look out for and Buddha has peed which is a really good sign, I just hope my baby is going to be ok. This has really made me realize how much Buddha means to me and what a joy it has been to have him in my life. I really believe he came to me for a reason.

It has also made me realize how much I really love my sweet boyfriend and how lucky I am to have my 2 men in my life.



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I agree with the sentiment of not giving dogs people food, though sometimes I sneak in things I know for a *fact* will not be poisonous ... like rice and tiny slices of apple. It's a lot simpler to not worry too much about the treats we give him.
Oh how scary!!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you for a healthy Buddha!
We're keeping our paws crossed and hope Buddha is feeling his old self soon! As for peroxide, I have used it twice to save Ethel, who likes to eat all kinds of things, including other people's medicine and wood putty (both involved ripping off a tightly closed lid, too -- she's something!). I keep those little 1/2 teaspoon medicine syringes (you know, the plastic part of the syringe, above the needle). I gave Ethel 1/2 teaspoon maybe 2 or 3 times, about 10 minutes apart (Ethel weighs about 25 lbs). With the syringe, you can really squirt it in her throat and be sure she swallows. She vomited up the wood putty in about 30 minutes. You don't want to give a whole lot, just little bits a couple of times, and that will do the trick.

The one thing is to be very careful -- if they have eaten something caustic or sharp, you don't want to induce vomiting as that can be harmful coming back up. Then you want to feed them bread or something that might be absorbent.

Also, as I posted elsewhere, the ASPCA has a poison control hotline that cost $65 to call -- UNLESS you have the HomeAgain chips in your dog, and if you pay the annual $15 fee, it's free. I've done that for Ethel, given her prediliction to eat her way through life. That number is (888) 426-4435.
Poor puppy!
I really didn't know that grapes are immediately toxic. Although Shiro never had one I always thought you'd have to feed them dog's whole life to see the effects.
It's good you caught it so fast and it didn't end up costing too much. Keep and eye on him and rememeber, dogs are thieves!. You have to hide everything away from them.
One time Shiro stole some cookies of a DINING table! I still have no clue how he reached it!
Here's a good list of things to keep away from dogs' reach
what a close call, glad buddha is okay :)
Thanks for all the support! Buddha stayed up all night because of what toxins were left and he was so thirsty but I couldnt give him any water. He has peed a lot and eaten some food this morning and had some water but not too much water so I think we are out of the woods. He seems to be back to normal today. I wont know for sure until Tuesday though. I am so glad that my friend called me and told me the grapes are toxic and that I listened to my instinct and took him to emergency care.

I used 1 teaspoon of salt to induce vomiting as directed by the vet. Charcoal can also be bought in tablets which absorbs 60 percent of the toxins ingested if given almost immediately after the toxin has been consumed. No more grape fetch for Buddha! Thanks again for all the love and support, I really appreciate it!

wow I can only imagine... Accidents happen, there is a whole list of things not to give your dogs.. I think nuts were one of them, just google it. I hope he is okay too! You really don't realize what kind of an affect they have on you until something drastic happens! I'm sure he'll pull through. I'm so glad you listened to your own instincts and took him to the vet because who knows what could've happen. As far as the boyfriend goes, kudos to him for being there for you when something like this happens =)
Apparently this is NOT a baseless urban legend.



How's Buddha doing, is his renal function OK? thanks for sharing this; it motivates me to get a vomiting kit (syringe and hydrogen peroxide) ready for first aid.
The instructions that I received when using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting is: equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and water.......I've only had to do this one time. I administered the solution with an eyedropper. At the time Maggie was a full grown Cardigan weighing approximately 31 pounds and just a couple of teaspoons of the mixture worked wonders. (She had eaten a whole package of sugar-free gum.)
I think the peroxide most of us have in our house is already fairly dilute (3%) versus the much more concentrated peroxide used for hair dying etc. At 3%, it's okay to use right out of the bottle, but as someone said above, 1 tbsp/10 lbs or less. For Ethel, I really needed only about a teaspoon in total before she let loose of all the foul things she'd eaten.
Jaymi, thank you so much for telling us about what happened with Buddha. It's important for us all to know! I'm so happy to hear he's feeling better, since when I read you initial post I started crying!
I'm glad to hear your boyfriend was your knight in shining armor too. A good man is hard to find!
I'm glad to hear that Buddah is doing better! Hopefully he will be just fine!


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