Hi everyone! Just had a strange experience.

I usually use Fibrogard or Frontline as a flea preventative topical treatment, but decided to pick up a Hartz topical treatment to see if it worked as well, with a lower price tag.  After applying it, I decided to google its effectiveness and was horrified to see many websites dedicated to how negative and harmful this product is to both dogs and cats.  There were dozens of bad experiences people discussed, saying how their dog had seizures and needed to be hospitalized, barely surviving.  I immediately bathed Trixie thoroughly and was able to get off all the treatment, and she is completely fine.

Did I overreact?  Has anyone else had an issue with over-the-counter flea treatments such as Hartz or Biospot with their corgi?  If this product truly does kill animals, how in the heck is it still legally sold?

Just curious about other people's opinions and experiences.  :)

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I have often wondered that too. I've seen some of the horror stories and wouldn't take the chance using Hartz. My husband gave it to his cats once. One seemed unaffected but the other one acted really odd for days. Luckily that's all that happened. Besides, I don't think Hartz does much for fleas anyway.

I've used Hartz on my cats in the past and never had a problem. For my dogs I invest in advantage from the vet, it's a bit pricier but it works amazing.

Personally I would never use it. We don't have a flea problem but there is an oral med(sorry, can't remember the name). I would call the vet and get a dose of that. Better to spend a little more than to end up with a sick dog or big vet bill. I believe you did the right thing:)

I'd recommend either Comfortis or Trifexis.  They are monthly oral meds. 

Sorry I have no experience with Hartz.

I would never use the cheapy stuff personally. It's not worth the risk. If you watch for a sale on drsfostersmith.com you can usually get a year's worth of Frontline (or whatever you like) for a pretty good price.

Yeah, good call.  I've seen it for decent prices on Amazon and such too.  I work at a small pet shop and talked to my boss about it, she is now giving me the "cost" price for the good flea treatments, which is really nice!  Fiprogard and Advantix II from now on. :)

Yes, since posting this I've actually found some great deals online for Frontline and Advantix.  I've been reading that Advantix II works the best for this year's fleas anyway.  I just don't understand how a brand with such a horrible reputation is legally able to be sold... I guess it's just a huge company and can get away with it =/  I also just read one of their treat lines had a salmonella scare, so I think I'll steer clear of Hartz entirely..

Hartz didn't seem to work for me at all.. But Ziggy didn't have any negative side effects, and neither does Shadow, the Schipperke we live with, who uses it routinely

It is ABSOLUTELY DEADLY. Working at a vet almost all of the seizures and toxin appointments related to flea products are either Hartz or Zodiak. There is a reason you can get a 6 pack for like $18. If it's too good to be true, it is. We actually had a cat in on Monday who was hospitalized due to using Hartz. I you haven't yet, make sure to bather her in Dawn dishsoap to get the product completely off. Not worth the risk.

what is the active ingredient?

D-phenothrin is the active ingredient apparently.  It also is the main ingredient of BioSpot products which have a bad reputation as well.

"If it's too good to be true, it is." EXACTLY!  I feel like an idiot for not researching it before putting it on my dog.  She has been fully bathed, and is doing fine today. :)


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