For a while now, Shelby has looked underweight. Is 20lb a normal weight for a corgi. She was also the runt of the littler. I feed her twice a day and she usually eats all of it. I am very worried for her because her ribs stick out a LOT. In absolutely no way have I ever mistreated or abused my wonderful little dog. Just last night, he wasacting very strangley and whinning. We could not determine the source of the problem. She curled up and went right back to bed. The whole event lasted less than a minute. She has been vomiting a lot recently. Please help me, I'm very worried and I am scheduling an appointment with our vet.

Update: She has been diagnosed with congenital kidney disease. Does anyone who of a way to make her more comfortable?

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Do you have any pet emergency rooms or urgent care clinics in your area?
Have her looked at for pancreatitis when you go, my female got that, it was very scary.
Is she alright now?
As long as the vet is checking for worms, I'd go for the little extra expense and check for giardia as well. That's a bacterial thing that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and's communicable to humans and a bugger to get rid of. Tag had it when he came to us, spread it to our whippet, and it took a good two months of medications and crazy yard disinfection to clear it up. I'd want to know if that was the problem because it takes a while to get it under control.
We're going to our vet on Monday afternoon. I'll update you guys then.
How is Shelby doing tonight? Did you try adding something to her food just so she eats something?????
Yes, we added some steak for protein and pasta. We're pretty sure she's not allergic to wheat. She's keeping it down, and she's eaten all of it, so we're pretty relieved.
20 pounds is about 9kg I think so yes it is a little small for a corgi. Over the internet we cannot judge though, plus we don't know her height or length so she could well just be small and a healthy weight for her size.

But you also mention vomiting. Just like humans, dogs can lose weight when they are sick. I'd be taking her to the vet and mentioning her weight along with the vomiting, strange behaviour and any other symptoms (loss of appetite?). When she is back to healthy she may gain some weight and be fine.

I hope she's just got a bit of an upset tummy and it's nothing bad :)
Best of luck at your vet appointment! I hope Shelby is better soon ((((HUGS!!!))))
If Shelby continues to vomit... you should fast her 24 Hrs..(nothing but water or pedialite), then resume to a light diet... chicken broth with rice, eventually adding chicken...make sure not to season chicken. Shelby's stomach need time to rest....and seasons and salt will only continue the aggravation on her having a sour stomach. As the kind replys state that she may have worms, there are several other possibilities that she may have. Something as little as a change in environment or a bath or trimming of nails, and argument between two people in front of Shelby can be stressful on a corgi. Which may include an upset stomach to cause vomiting and/or diarehia. Our corgi's are very intune to emotions and our well-being. Most importantly, when you go to the Vet, take a fresh stool sample with, it will save you a little money on them retrieving a sample from Shelby, and save her the discomfort. The sample must be immediately before you go in, or a stool sample that is frozen from the last time she has gone. Be sure to not involve much debris, as grass, snow, or dirt as possible. The Vet office only needs enough to put on a slide, so not more than a teaspoon. I have a nearly 3 yr old corgi female that is light in frame and build, Amber's weight is 18 lbs, and the Vet said that she's in great shape, and she gets a great amount of exercise and 1/3 cup of Iam Lamb & Rice twice daily. Good luck, and we'll keep Shelby in our prayers.
Max is smaller than Molly I've asked several vets and they basicaly tell me the same thing. If people are different sizes why shouldn't dogs to a certain extent?
I agree that dogs are all different sizes, but when ribs are showing despite a good amount of food, it's always best to have a full check-up.


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