My boyfriend and I are moving from South Carolina back to his hometown in California.
While this is a very big move for us, my biggest concern is how to SAFELY transport my 2 year old Pem, Chase.
While the easiest way for us humans to travel is obviously by plane, I am not so sure I would be comfortable with Chase being treated as cargo while having to travel as such.
The traveling conditions for pets in the cargo area seem to be quite harsh and not safe.
No temperature control, no one to check in on them, no visits from mom and dad. I just don't feel comfortable with this. Especially because Chase suffers from the occasional seizure. This is a rare occurrence but I would be worried that the harsh conditions of the cargo area would not help to prevent one.  
While I would rather just make the long road trip with my Corgi in the car with me, my boyfriend and I are not confident that our vehicles could make the drive from SC to CA without blowing up. So that is not really an option.
I have recently been checking out a pet transportation service called Pet Airways. Their flights are specifically for pets, no humans except for the flight attendants and staff. All pets are kept in a well lit, temperature controlled area and are given potty breaks, food and any medications they may need. They flight attendants monitor the pets every 15 minutes and the pets are NOT kept in the cargo area but instead are in the same area that people would sit on the plane. The planes are small and in the event of a delay they are kept in the airline's pet hotel. I really like this idea however I am still concerned.
Has anyone ever used Pet Airways or any other pet transportation service?
What have your experiences been with these services?
Do you think it would be safe enough for Chase to travel in the cargo area of a plane even though he has the occasional seizure? Have you ever done this?

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I can't speak from personal experience but I have heard of Pet Airways and what I've heard has been positive.  Can't remember the program I saw it on the first time but it had to do with animals.  Me...I would not want to have my dogs in the cargo hold and a 2 yo corgi is too big to fit under a seat.  If Chase has seizures I would be very afraid the strange surrounds, the noise and being alone would trigger one.  That's just how I feel.  I hope you can find a safe and comfortable way to move him.

I will be taking him to the vet this week to see if he thinks Chase is healthy enough to fly in the event I can not find another option. After further research I discovered that Pet Airways is no longer in business. This was very confusing because their website is still running.
Do you have any suggestions for pet transportation?

I have not used pet transport services, but a friend who moved from Virginia to Arizona and had 4 dogs and 3 cats, used the services of someone who drove the pets in his van.  He had good references and she was very pleased with it.  She found him through some online research.

I would be concerned about the possible seizure and shipping the dog in cargo,  as stress can be a component trigger for seizures.

May be a good time to change vehicle....  Best of luck with your move.

Would it be possible for you to ask your friend what ground transportation service she used?
I will be looking into more of these services. I am quite worrisome when it comes to Chase because I don't have children and he's IS my child.
I will also be taking him to the vet this week to see if he thinks Chase is healthy enough to fly in the event that I can not find another option.
We will be getting new vehicles as soon as we get to CA.

I e-mailed my friend for the information and asked if it would be OK to post it.  If she would rather I did not do that, I'll send you a private message.  I'm sending a friend request so we can do the messaging, if needed.  Linda makes some good economic points about the vehicle issue.....

Kaitlyn...sorry to hear that Pet Airways is no longer running.  If you are planning on getting new wheels when you hit CA maybe you should consider getting them before you leave SC.  Not just because of Chase but I think the cost would be a lot less in SC than CA.  The cost of everything in that area of the south is way less then out on the west coast.  We are researching areas in TN for retirement and know how much cheaper it is then in NYS plus we have friends who are already down there.  I also know people who live in CA and I am always stunned at the cost of living there even compared to NY.  I know it's no help in other forms of transport but just food for thought maybe.

If your cars are unreliable, maybe you could rent a vehicle and drive?  It might cost less than airline and transport fees for you, your boyfried and the dog.  

Kaitlyn....I happened to be looking for something concerning pets for a friend and I was checking out Angie's List...I have a membership...and I saw this.  Immediately I thought of you.  The reviews on Angie's List are all As & Bs., no negative reviews at all.  They are in KY and transport across country.  Here's the link to their website, maybe you can give them a call and see if their services would work for you.  Take a look around their website, I didn't check it all but I did read some of it.

I would not let a pet fly cargo. I had a bad experience with it. When I lived in New Mexico I flew home to Maine for Christmas with my cat. The flight to Maine went fine, but we got stranded at LaGuardia then Atlanta on the way home. The only way to get to Albuquerque was to have the cat go cargo from Atlanta to Albuquerque. After 24 hours with no sleep I did it. Upon arrival I went to baggage claim to get him from the large items area. Two large dogs, several pair of skis and a guitar came out, no cat. I was flipping out, another passenger finally found staff for help. My cat was the last thing out. He howled when he saw me, I'm still flipping out. When I got to the truck I noticed he was missing teeth. He knocked them out during the flight. My easy going traveling cat would never again get into a crate without a major fight.

Wow! What a conundrum. Sorry to hear Pet Airways seems to be defunct.

If it were me, I'd probably demonstrate how besotted by my dog I am by renting a vehicle that would make it all the way across the country. It would be a long drive and, unless you camp, would cost a lot more than flying (maybe).

Since I won't go in the passenger compartment of an airplane anymore (travel just ISN"T any fun these days), I surely wouldn't ship my dog by airline steerage. Probably would opt for renting a vehicle, sell one rustbucket, and have the moving company tow the other to the destination.

Linda's got something: if you're going to have to buy a new vehicle within the next year or so anyway, you might be smart to get one in SC. My son's very nice Camry was totaled by a teenager who drove into it while it was parked in San Francisco. The amount the insurance company gave him came nowhere near replacing that car in California, but for the amount, he could have bought one just like it here in AZ. Everything is ridiculously expensive in California.

Another possibility is to ask around the various rescue organizations (not restricted to corgis) to see if they know anyone who would drive the pooch across the country. It might be worth paying the gas and a little bonus to get someone to drive your dog for you. Far-fetched, but...well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I wish she would check back in....I posted that link to a pet transportation service.  It has excellent reviews on Angie's List.

I have a name for her also, but have not heard from her either...


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