How do you work on training with an older dog in the house?

My 9 1/2 week old boy, Simon, is doing great, and we just started puppy class this week. His biggest issue that I need to work on with him is play nipping/biting and handling (he gets very wiggly and sqealy when he's held). Well, I'm doing what the trainer said to do, and it's WORKING (Simon is uber-smart -- I have a feeling he's going to be the smartest dog I've EVER had), but I have one issue -- my other dog.

My Josie is 10 years old, and she's a good girl, and she likes Simon but she's a bit jealous of the attention he gets. So I sit down with Simon and I'm trying to teach him that sitting nice and being polite and not nipping will get him love and treats and hugs. Well, that's all good, and Simon IS catching on to this -- but then Josie comes over and sits and behaves all nice and quiet, basically because she wants the same attention Simon is getting -- so I give her a treat TOO, but is that distracting from Simon's learning or is that helping him, seeing Josie rewarded for polite behavior? He is VERY focused on her when she's in the room, he really, REALLY loves her alot.

I hate putting Josie in another room and closing the door. She has separation anxiety and she'll cry and cry. Same when I take Simon outside without her. Or take Simon ANYWHERE without her.

I want Simon to be well-trained, but how do you train a dog when there's another dog in the house wanting just as much attention? I guess I just don't want to hurt either of their feelings, LOL! I love both of them equally and want them to know that, and it's becoming difficult because Simon is still a baby and needs so much more of my time and attention than Josie does.

Any advice on how to divide time/do training from other 2+ dog homes without making one or the other angry/jealous? Or is that just not possible?

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My suggestion is to do short sessions with both dogs. Simon first, then crate him and work with Josie, then put her away or work with Simon outside so the noise from Josie is not a distraction, yes Simon does need more than Josie and you might have to schedule time with him alone more often than Josie. She just wants attention, if you start now seperating and training she will get used to it. When you put her in the other room make sure she has a yummy treat or chewy to keep her busy.
When it comes to affection, I just pet both at the same time so that the one that is feeling a little jealous associates the new one with something good. But if I have to, the oldest one gets treats and attention first. Everyone else has to wait while he gets his. I figure as long as I am consistent they know their turn will come. As far as training goes, they really have to be done separately. My corgis are like that obnoxious kid in class that knows all the answers and won't let anyone else have a turn so it is a mess trying to train them at the same time. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats and it seems to work well. If there is any aggressive behavior the perpetrater gets removed or leashed.


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