Ok so I just need some input, heres the deal:
I've got 4 dogs. 3 dachshunds and 1 Pem. The dachshunds are strictly pet and the pem im currently training in agility. I've fallen in love with Pems & agility and I'd love to get another one. My boyfriend gave me the green light to get another Pem as long as I paid for it. The question im asking is.........is 5 dogs too many? I work at vet clinic so my vet costs are free as well as the cost of a spay/neuter. I just don't want to be the crazy dog lady, but animals are my life and I just can't get the itch to get a puppy out of my system! We had a client come in yesterday with a 10week old cardi and my heart just melted! We don't see many corgis so that was quite the treat! So fellow corgi owners please give me some guidance!!!!!

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Wait... you can have too many dogs? Lol, jk. I have three animals- 2 dogs and 1 cat, and had to stop there because I think they each deserve individual attention from me. I am already spread thin to have "quality time" alone with each of them and know that unless I was in a situation where I would be able to stay home with them all day, I just couldn't do it. I think it depends on you and your lifestyle. Just make sure that whatever you do, it would be a good and healthy situation for all of your animals.
I don't know the answer!! My husband keeps me under control. However, I still managed to surpass the limit of two by taking in my son's doberman so now we have three. Having the vet costs free would really help!
When we went to Izzy's breeder for the first time there were about 15 corgis at the fence greeting us and another 5 or 6 in the house. I said "this is my dream come true and my husband's nightmare!" The breeder laughed and said the corgis went from two to the current crop after her husband passed away. My hubby was worried I might get some ideas!
hahaha, me too. I would love to a herd of corgis. Some day, some day. That would be quite the doggy murder mystery, right, the disappearance of the hubby and then the sudden upwelling of Corgiis....ha.
If cost isn't an issue, and they are getting good care and attention -- and nobody seems to be acting out or showing neurotic behavior -- then why not? That Tasha Tudor at one point had double-digit Corgis on her farm.... Good breeders often have high numbers, 4, 5, 6, whatever, and seem to do okay. It's down to $$, space, energy and organization -- if you're up to it, can afford it, have the room.... Maybe someone with a passle of puppies will chime in on their experience? I only have two, myself.
I would say as long as you can afford it, have enough space, and enough time to give them all enough attention, there's probably nothing wrong with one more. You wouldn't want to become a hoarder, though! Be sure to check the laws in your county. Some counties have restrictions on how many pets you can have at a residence. Our HOA also has rules about the number of pets allowed.
You are living the dream!!!! LOL It's like everybody else says, if you have the time, the commitment, enough for care expenses, and you are not breaking any HOA, housing, restriction rules. Pay attention to each of them, and keep an eye on how they interact with each other. Good luck!!! Please, let us know.
Too many isn't a number.
I will never have more dogs than I can financially support, including a high quality diet, vet care (though I'm officially convinced most vets are pretty useless at this point) spay/neuter, and boarding when needed. I will never have more dogs than I can emotionally support, including daily one-on-one time, training, walking, etc.
I will never have more than I can provide adequate indoor and outdoor space for, or more than I can clean up after.
For me, this number is five. I won't have more than five.
For some it might be one. For some ten.
It all depends on you, your needs, your situation.
I think like others have said if you have the space,time and can give them what they need it shouldn't be a problem...I have 6 dogs and 5 acres of land for them to run and I am lucky to work a few blocks from my home and 1 or 2 usually come to work with me. it is hard to give each attention and so I do the training classes with the young ones to make sure their needs are met. It's like a dog park at my house some days but they love it and usually get along well! I would like one more female but will wait to see how it goes as I plan on having 2 litters next year and that takes many, many more hours of work...I don't know how people can do this with several litters...I just know what's right for me.My husband also helps me out alot and we're lucky that usually one of us is home!
A few considerations.....if you are currently training in agility I know how much time, dedication and practice this takes. If you are wishing to compete you will be traveling frequently to trials. Know to as the number of dogs increases the ability to manage them becomes more challenging. Making time for each dog on their own becomes more difficult. I know it can be done as I have had as many as eight. I am now back down to four and a foster fellow. Generally we live quite harmoniously. Yep, puppy faces do capture the heart and soul very quickly. Hard to think realistically when one gets a whiff of puppy breath.
TOO MANY? WHAT? lol. My husband and I have this discussion a lot. We have two corgis and an aussie. I think we need a few more corgis :D But even though we are FINALLY moving out of town onto four acres it is only a temp move for six months or so to help out a friend so we will probably wait until we get our own place again and then he had better watch out. I think that as long as you have the love and the ability to take care for them then go for it.
Sorry, you're already doomed....


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