So I have 3 corgis. Once in awhile, they will pee on carpet when they feel being ignore or upset about me. I am sure it is either Moe(father) or Markus(son) who do it. When I ask who pee on the floor, they both show the innocent face or both show the guilt face. They will go back to their room when I ask them loudly. But no one will admit anything.

So is there any way to find out who do the bad thing?  



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My best advice would be to set up a camera if you really want to know, though the best way to avoid the problem entirely would be to keep them in sight at all times and pen/crate if you can't watch them.  Are you cleaning up thoroughly (with an enzyme spray) whenever they pee?

Yeah the camera would show you who the culprit is but it wouldn't really help you since you can't exactly show him the video and then punish him.  I guess it would show you who needs to be kept in the crate.

Dog's don't feel guilt about something they did earlier in the day. Unless you catch them IN THE ACT of peeing, reprimanding them or punishing them later isn't going to solve anything. They are reacting to the tone in the voice and your body language which is telling them you are upset/angry - they are not feeling bad about peeing on the carpet 2 hours ago.


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