Dax is driving me INSANE. He's a great dog, I love him, but he has an issue. He stays out around the house all day, I close the doors to the bedrooms so he has the kitchen, living room, and hallway. He does GREAT, with the exception of me having to make sure there's nothing on the floor/couch that he can get to to rip up (he won't take anything off the table, which I'm thankful for). But that's not his issue. He used to sleep in his crate but lately I've been leaving him out at night. My boyfriend doesn't want him in the bedroom with us, so that isn't an option. He gets the same space he gets during the day, the kitchen, living room, and hallway. EVERY morning I get up and he's pooped on the floor. I don't understand it. He's not out any longer than he was when he was in his crate. I figured it was just because he has more room, so I got up yesterday morning at 3:30 and took him out, he peed, pooped, I went back to bed, got up 2 hours later and he had pooped on the floor again! This morning I got up at 4:00 to take him out, he had already pooped on the floor. I took him out to pee, went back to bed, and when I got up at 6:00 he had pooped on the floor again! I need this to stop! Anyone have any idea why he might be doing this?

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Hi Amanda, your pup is not 100% reliable until 9mo-1 yr, until he's fully trained, keep him in a crate when you cannot watch him. Chances are at night he have access to water and since he's not in his usual sleeping place, he decided that it's okay because no one's watching. How about put him in a crate in the bedroom? that way he can be a part of your company? Pay attention to his food intake schedule, that includes treats as well, the more precise your feeding time is, the more precious the poop.
Well he's a year and 3 months old. I can't put him in the bedroom at all because my boyfriend doesn't want him in there. If it were up to me, he would be in there with us and I think this would help, but then again why doesn't he do it when we're not home? He's fed on a strict schedule. Once at 6:30 am and again at 5:00 pm. I'm beginning to think this is some type of separation anxiety, but it only happens when we're in the house in a room that he can't come in and not when we're actually out of the house. It's getting very frustrating...
It sounds like he's got way too much freedom at night. Every time he's left out and able to poop on the floor inside the house, he will learn more and more that that is where he's supposed to go. I'd continue to crate him when you're sleeping. Night time is for sleeping anyway, he doesn't really need to have the whole house to run around in, in the middle of the night. If he were a human toddler, he'd be placed in his crib for bedtime, same thing really lol.
Yeah, I guess I was really trying to not rely on the crate so much. He hates being in there, he barks and jumps around, the crate may end up halfway across the room by the time he finally settles down from him jumping around in it. I just hate leaving him in there because I know he's so much more comfortable stretched out on the couch sleeping, I just can't seem to break him of this habit. I clean up after he does it of course, but I thought maybe he could still smell it there and that was enticing him to go. I bought a special cleaner and used my steam cleaner to clean the carpet in that area (because he always goes in the same place), I'm going to try one more time tonight and if it happens again, I guess I'll just keep up with the crate.... :(
Too much freedom and isolation from his mom. I suggest that you go back to the crate at night. Typically they are clean at night before they are in the day.
You may want to try a bigger crate too. He's probably stressed and confused because of the new arrangements.
We had him staying out during the day way before we tried letting him out at night. I guess we did it a little backwards, but he does great during the day.
OK, so did you have Dax before you had the boyfriend? If so, did Dax sleep in your bedroom? Why doesn't your boyfriend want him in the bedroom?
No, we got him afterwards. He's not really an animal person, but Dax really grew on him (I knew he would). He likes him, but says he just doesn't want him in the bedroom, for reasons I apparently don't understand, I've mentioned it plenty of times. Dax has never slept in the bedroom with either of us. The reason I think it may be some type of separation anxiety is because I have slept out on the couch with him before and he's fine, no accidents. I don't know, I guess I'll just go back to the crate. The one I have for him is pretty big, too big for him actually, but he won't have any accidents in there anymore, he just doesn't like being in there.
When we crate we put a little smear of spray cheese in a kong or cow bone and the dogs love it. We only have to crate the Dobe and she runs in her kennel when she sees us getting ready to leave or go to bed to wait for her treat.
It is funny though, I did not want the dogs in bed with us but my husband insists on it! I think he just likes the way Izzy puts her head on his pillow and gazes adoringly at him!
we crate our dog at night. we cant let her run free or else she would never sleep. lol. but we dont have her in our room either. i think your boyfriend made the right choice. nightime is for sleeping, not playing. i think a crate would help your dog learn this. maggie loves her sleepy spot.
We always let the dogs out briefly "one last time!" before bed. That may help.
FYI: I NEVER wanted a dog, not in house, let alone on the bed. Took my wife 2 years to talk me into Siri. I ended up falling asleep every night with my face buried in her ruff. So give Dax some time to gain control over your bf's mind.


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