so we have finally moved into our new home in DC! i am so happy to have finally moved in. they gave us a three storie house right on the water. it so pretty and teddy is loving his new digs and his very own back yard;)  even the cats seem happier. they sure didnt enjoy the drive but it was worth it! but now have a question. since we have 3stories and corgis are prone to bad backs, is it ok to let him go up and down the steps? or for the next two years do i have to carry him??? i figure going up isnt as bad as going down. but still if i have to then i will do whatever i have to do to keep him healthy

and if anyone lives here, is there any good/good dog parks/vets??? i live on the boiling AFB:)

thank you!!

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We visited DC last year and it seemed very dog-friendly. We noticed several cafes with dogs in the outdoor eating area, and lots of people walking dogs. Sorry, I am not familiar enough to know of any dog parks, but you might find some on the internet? We loved DC, and for a big city it's very leafy and green, with lots of parks and stuff. I think it seems like a great place to live. :-)

We let ours do stairs but try to minimize it. We're only on two floors, but most of the second floor is off-limits to the dogs. Maddie does come up every morning to wait for us to get ready, and Jack sometimes follows us up if something exciting is going on. So I guess you could say we let them do stairs but they are not running up and down several times a day.

It also depends on how they do them. Jack sort of bunny-hops down which can't be good for him. Maddie trots (feet on alternating sides moving at the same time) and it does not really look like it would be much harder on her back than, say, going down a hill.
Glad you have a great new home. If it's only up/down and no playing on should be ok. Mine go down the basement often!
thank you:) it love our new home. he dosnt want to be on them all the time he sometimes asks to be carried up.


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