Orion is just over 7 months old and weighs between 20-21 lbs. He seems perfectly happy and healthy but I'm wondering if he's too skinny. There is another corgi at the dog park that is about his age but much bigger in overall size. 

We are feeding him 1/2 a cup 3x a day but I'm thinking about going to 1 cup twice a day. Thoughts?

Here's the best pic I could snap of him this morning, please let me know what you think. 

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Thanks Jane, we're gonna go from 1.5 to 2 cups per day and see if he fills out a bit more.

hi there, i have to agree with Jane. he looks a tad skinny. no by much at all but he looks like a few more treats wont hurt:) baden up until 7months got 3 cups a day (1am, 1noon, 1pm)  but that was because we are very active. but now he eats 1 cup am and 1cup pm and he weighs 28pounds right now and hes 7 1/2 but of course every corgi is different. i would go with 1 cup am and pm and see if that helps.

how active are u? like does he get a walk every day? go to trails and dogs parks?

Hi Rebecca, thanks for the feedback. He gets at least one good walk or a trip to the dog park every day. Some days we try to take him out to the trails at least once a week but I'd like to start getting him on the trails a bit more so that once he's one we can start getting some good hikes in.

your welcome and u are doing a great job with exercising him:)

Gwynnie (9 yo) is almost 21 lbs.  Al (6 yo) is almost 25 lbs.

Body frame size varies a lot.  I've seen corgis over 30lbs. which did not seem overweight, just large-boned.


Thanks John! How are the pups doing? Any big treks lately?

I had the same problem with Sage. I increased her food (and actually added warm water because she wasn't drinking enough either) as she IS NOT food driven. She went from #19 to her healthy 25#'s when she hit 2 years...very normal.

He ( Orion ) is perfect size for me.  I don't think too skinny.  Mine is almost 9 month now. When she was 7 month old , she was 20 LBS. Now she is 23 LBS.  As long as dog is health and activities, that should be fine.  I gave my Doudou two cups per day, one AM , and one PM.  That is a little less compare to dog food package instruction.


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