well i have some bad news about major the dachshund we adopted. if u read my blog a few days ago u know that he was very toy aggressive but nothing else made him tick, not food, people, nothing but toys turned him into the demon dog. i tried the trade game, tug and drop,etc. nothing worked! so i tried making him relize that i am the leader and we are a pack so to speak...

well two days ago i got bite really bad on my hands along with scratches and poor teddy got a little one under his eye. what happened was yesterday teddy found a plastic leaf. he went up to major and they played and played for hours. they were having a blast and because of that i didnt take it away. i praised him over and over. so that morning i got bite, teddy came back from inside and picked up the leaf and was on his back playing with it. major took it from him and teddy must of thought he was playing so he went up to him. he gets a bite on his face. i scream "major no!" he runs off with the leaf by the door and he gets submissive. i try and take the leaf and he then (with out warning) bites down on my hand with all his mite but would not let go! i tried prying his mouth oopen but just bite harder. (sorry to say this) but i punched him in the nose and he then let go but then just grabbed on to my other hand and would let go. im screaming/crying "let go!!" i hit him again and grab him by the neck and threw him into the cage(sorry but i was in a lot of pain and shock) i was bleeding pretty bad. i had to go to the hospital and file it. i took him back to the shelter and he has to be in isolation to make sure he isnt sick. they will not put him to sleep (thank god) but put him into a rescue. i know that maybe some are thinking what could a little dog like that do? honestly he was 22pounds. he was a very big guy!

the shelter coulnt believe what happened. they gave us a certificate worth how much the adoption fee was. we maid the decision not to adopt another dog until we are truly ready and take our time until we fin the right one. i saw a sheltie mix that was so pretty but honestly she was a screamer in the cage and thats why her owners gave her up. i felt bad but with us moving it would be best for us not to adopt right now and focus on our two cats and spoil teddy(in a good way of course:)) so with the gift certificate we get, all of his shots, heartworm test. two years worth of heart worm/flea meds. microchip. and fecal test and the meds to go with it. soo it works out in a way as teddy needs this done.

i still feel bad for taking him back and that i hit him but it hurt so bad and he wouldnt let go. i really loved the little guy but  i guess it was meant to be despite the connection i felt with him..:(

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That is too bad but at least you tried. Hopefully he will find a good home.
i really hope so. just hope its a single dog home


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