We now have had Tucker since this past Sunday, March 6, 2011.  Lance and Tucker seem to be figuring it out ok.  While they figure it out, I also have things to figure out.  How do I handle the jealousy and stop it before it goes too far. For the most part I have to say its going really well, its just the jealousy issue. 


Here is what hapened today:

I was petting Lance while he was sitting on the couch, Tucker came over looking for attention I believe as well.  Lance let out low growl.  I am thinking Lance didnt like Tucker jumping up and probably jealous as well?


As soon as Lance let out a low growl,  I said uh-uh and had Lance get off the couch, and he then went and laid in one of his favorite spots.  I then went over to pet Lance and Tucker together. Tucker was laying down and kept inching his way closer to me as I pet the both of them.  He put his head down and it landed on  Lance, and Lance got up and walked away with his ears back.


I came to write this and Tucker laid down next to me on the floor by the computer, Lance laid down in the other room. 


I've noticed to that when the kids are wanting to pet both the dogs at the same time, Lance will try to dominate Tucker.  When I want to pet both Lance and Tucker, I make them both sit and then pet them, it seems to help. 


So many questions for a new corgi mom of 2!!  How to divide the attention equally between two, trying to do our best. 

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They are still figuring it out too so you are bound to see a little attitude especially from Lance since he was there first. I found that during the first few weeks of a new dog that it is especially important to make sure they mind and you are in charge. Sit for attention, you try to be the one that initiates contact, practice commands with both separately at first. The fact that humans are in charge is really important right now. Also, try to follow some structure with food, attention and play time. Mis behavior is most likely to happen when they perceive that no one is in charge. In time it will settle down and you can be more relaxed. They look really great together!

I pet one at a time.  Jack always first if they are anywhere near each other.


Maddie does the inching thing and Jack will growl at her.  Thing is, Maddie is the one in the wrong there because she is trying to move in on Jack's spot, so I honestly don't correct Jack and do make sure Maddie keeps away.  It's very hard for her, but she is learning to wait her turn (been over a year and a half....). 


If one is on my lap the other is NOT allowed to crowd in.  However, once Maddie was on the couch, Jack jumped up, walked over her to come to me (she was not in my lap) and then snarled at her.  He was instantly put on the ground for that, since she was there first.   But if one dog tries to squeeze in on the other, I blame the squeezer not the growler, if that makes sense.


If Tucker puts his head on top of Lance, that is actually a dominance move and of course Lance will react accordingly to the other dog trying to dominate him while he's getting petted. 


The biggest thing, though,. is that only one is allowed near me on the couch at the same time.  It seems to avoid problems.

By the way, same goes for toys.  Jack will try to steal a toy if I throw it for Maddie and I make sure he knows that the dog intended to get the toy gets to chase the toy.


So she tries to mooch in on his petting time, he tries to mooch in on her play time, and I don't allow either.


I find petting them both at once too difficult since Maddie likes to get as close to me as possible, ends up nosing Jack out of the way which he resents, and it's just a recipe for an argument.   Jack does not like much petting.  So I'll give him a neck rub then go over and give Maddie a nice belly rub, which she adores. 

It will take at least 3 weeks for every one to settle in...  Just try to get them out as much as you can & tire them out, wont be long & they will be best friends :)))...


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