I found a spot on Tucker that looks raw from him itching himself on his front right leg, kinda on the top to the side.  I put some neosporin on it for now.  He also has been on Benedryl for the itchiness for the last couple of days but I guess that is not working.  I also noticed on his back leg that he has a bunch of dry scabs, and the hair is falling out wih the scabs.  


Any idea what this is?  While I call the vet to let them know how Lances temp is, I suppose I will be asking them about Tucker too, but wondering if anyone has any ideas what this could be?


Tuckers coat seems to have an odor to it, but can't figure out from what.  It isn't from rolling in anything or the like.  Seems like his skin has an odor?? 


Im wondering if I should give him a bath, but with what.



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Could he maybe have some sort of yeast infection? What is the odor like? I don't know if you want to bathe him if the dry skin might be made worse with the shampoo. When you talk to the vet tomorrow, ask them what they recommend. Poor pups :(
For those red, irritated lick spots, sometimes called hot spots, I've always used hydrocortisone spray that you can get at the pet store.  The hard part is keeping the dogs from still licking.   Sometimes the dreaded cone-of-shame is required.  Does sound like maybe having a reaction to a bug bite or even a sticker under the skin.  Always good to get some vet advice though.

I guess Tucker didn't want to feel left out with all the trips to the vet that Lance is taking. I hope your boys feel better soon!

I know what that's like Nat! Have you switched foods/treats? For a person I would suggest a bath with baking soda for the itch. I don't believe that it would hurt him and hopefully could relieve the itch. I also remember this as an old remedy for kids with chicken pox and their itching. Good luck! Could this have anything to do with his grooming awhile back? Seems like after that all heck broke loose:(

Hi, sorry to hear you have so much goin on with your two. If you want to give a bath, you can do the oatmeal bath, thats soothing to their skin. They have oatmeal shampoo.


The vets office recommended using Cortaid and keep giving him the benedryl and to call with an update on Monday.  May take him in to have him looked at. In the meantime also have to remember to keep adding the fish oil to his food, haven't been very good at remembering that. I put neosporin on the really raw irritated spot, and it looks so much better just from last night! 


Geri: not sure how to describe odor.  Sure hope it isn't a yeast infection and just allergies.  Wow, never knew corgis couild be so allergy prone. 


Gromit and Doug: Do they get hot spots from itching or is it just from licking?  I am thinking it maybe allergy related. boo. 


Alsion, lol, so true, you should see him when I am feeding Lance ice chips, he has to have some of those delicious treats. 


Jane, Im starting to wonder if maybe the trip to the groomers didn't have a role in something one of the two is going through. We have not switched dog food.  Although my daughter was giving them some different treats then usual, back to the boring old routine!!


Rebecca, Thanks.  I do have oatmeal shampoo, so I may try that too. 


Thank You for everyones responses, we appreciate it :)

 I can't remember who it was on the blog, but he took his corgi to groomer and he started with raw and dry spots. But i think they had left him under the dryer to long and  it turned out they were burn spots.



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