Just saw this posted and thought I would pass it on...






Cardigan Welsh Corgi, brindle and white, 14 months old


 Missing since last Saturday, 6/10/11:  last seen at 37th and Barton in the neighborhood of West Seattle.


If found -- or if you have any information -- please contact Finnigan's breeder via e-mail:  pbweller@frontier.com, or call 206-851-4558.


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oh no...I hope he is found safe and sound soon!!!  Can't imagaine!!

maybe they could contact findtoto.com, they help locate lost dogs by spreading the word by phone in the neighborhood. 


Please please keep looking for him. A bunch of Cardigan people in our area have been out scouting door to door. No sign of him. We are very concerned someone has him and either doesn't know he is lost or that he has been handed off to someone else and could be out of the area where he was lost. :(
I just saw the CraigsList ad. A photo might help a lot. Most people don't know what Cardigan is.

Yeah, I think her new one has the photo of him on it... It's just a headshot. The Cardi folks up here have been out in force; Tempe's breeders know him personally, and they've been out with their dogs looking for him. Sightings, but no dog, people know he's missing in the area, it's been plastered with fliers and door to door people. Fauntleroy Park is where Finn was seen last, I believe.


It's a good time to remind everyone, please,  take some photos of your dog - headshot, sideshot. It can be invaluable in a disaster or in a case where your dog gets lost to have recent, clear photos to show people. Also, remember -- exactly, John. I've been hunting down sightings of  "shepherd mixes" in that area. So many people think my Cardis are mixes... the average person doesn't know what they are. Heck, half the time people don't know what my Pem is! :(


I will say, Cardi folks are the best folks. Lots of breeders out there who know his breeder and owner, and we've all been doing our best to get the word out. I called all the pet stores on that side today and emailed them the flier, and it's been really networked to the point where someone hopefully will find Finn... :( His owners are, so, so upset.

O my, my heart just sank when i saw this. my hope and prayers are with you that u find him safe and sound soon. Call police and surrounding vets, and any shelters.   Did he have a collar on, any tags.

He is microchipped. The owner says he was wearing a purple collar and I think I a red harness.  I'm not sure about the tags; I believe so, but I'm not sure, so I don't want to say yes...


Shelters called, surrounding vets -- I called all the pet stores on the Seattle side. Friends of mine own a chain over there, so they were posting the flyer too. :)

Its wonderful to hear how you all have come together to find Finn..I wish you guys all the best in finding him quickly.
Found and he's okay!!!!!! :D

Thanks for spreading the word!!! Corgi people are awesome!!!
Wonderful....any idea what happened? Did he get loose or taken??????
From what I read on some cardi people's blogs the owner was driving to the farmer's market to put up posters and he ran across the road right in front of her car. So glad he is safe and sound!
thats how he was found..but how did he get loose?  So glad he is home safe and sound, that is music to everyones ears :) 


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