My heart is cracked in 18 million different places. My life has been upheaved. Bear (my Corgi) is safe at home asleep. His little sister Savannah (half pit bull, half boxer) has been stolen.

On Wednesday, November 12, 2009 my boyfriend whom I share a home with let the dogs outside like we do normally. They're fine by themselves. Until yesterday. Someone leaned down into the yard and scooped her up and took off with her. They left my other two dogs, but stole the baby of our family. Bear is a wreck. He'll be fine in his own time, but our hearts will never be the same without Savannah. She made our little family complete.

Savannah is only 5 months old and extremely loved. She is spoiled rotten. She's adorable and the best snuggler ever. I call her our puzzle piece. She makes our little family complete. Until we get married and have children, of course. I want her to be like Nana from Peter Pan. She has the biggest heart and more love to give than any other dog I've ever seen. Its not true what they say about pit bulls. They have the greatest capacity for love I've ever seen in a dog. Bear likes everyone. Savannah LOVES everyone. We are all going crazy without her. Bear is heartbroken. He sits in her crate and won't come out. But I am determined with every breath in my body to find her. She will be home soon, tormenting her big brother.

This is where you guys come in. I need advice. Anything. If you've lost a pet or even if you haven't and simply have a suggestion, please let us know. We would move heaven and earth to get our little girl back. This is what all we've done:
Every single lost dog website you can imagine, she's on.
Fliers all over town.
Filed a police report.
Craigslisted her as missing.
Called animal shelters.
Talked to neighbors.
Driven around so much we've wasted 2 tanks of gas in one day.
We're going to try and get on the news for the lost dog segment.
We're actually going to (I can't begin to tell you how weird this is, but she's found a lot of dogs) a dog psychic. Yeah. A dog psychic. She's located TONS of lost dogs. Seriously though... how do you file your taxes? Profession? Psychic dog whisperer. Weird. We're exploring all avenues. I don't care if someone has to read my palm or cut me with her tarot cards, I want my little girl back.
Put out ads in the newspapers.

I mean just about everything you can think of, we're busting our tushies. We've driven around calling her name, squeaking a toy... I know she was stolen. Someone has been stealing pit bulls and boxers from our area. Any advice you can give me would help.

I want my Banana back. Please help our little family.

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I am so sorry for your heartbreak, I hope your little girl finds her way back to you.
Oh I wish I could remember...I just read last night about a site (maybe Petfinder ) that gets this out ASAP all kinds of bullitans...I will check and see if I can find it! My heart goes out to you!!!!

Were you talking about this post?
Yes...that's it!!!
I am so sorry your little girl has gone missing!

I'm not clear by your post: did you actually see her stolen, or do you suspect she was stolen?

If she may be lost, I would physically go to any shelters within a 15-20 mile radius and WALK THROUGH THEM every few days. Shelter workers are volunteers and most love animals but some don't have a clue. I have heard of multiple cases of people being told over the phone that their type of dog was definitely NOT in the shelter only to find they'd been there for days and the shelter worker didn't really know their dog breeds all that well. You call looking for a white pit bull/boxer mix and the gal at the desk is thinking "Boxers are brown" and is looking right at your girl saying "nope, nothing like that here." It happens. This is not passing judgement, but many shelters have so many pit bulls and pit mixes that new pits are routinely put to sleep within a day or so of walking in the door, for lack of space and lack of adoptibility. So please, don't just call the shelter, but go there and walk through, and look in every cage even if they say there's nothing in there but a Pekinese.

We once found a lost Husky and called the shelter to say we had it and check and see if anyone was looking for a lost Husky. They said nope, no one was. Well, when we finally track down the owner days later, it turns out he had called the shelter before us, and reported his Malamute missing. The shelter did not put two and two together and consider that someone not familiar with sled dogs might confuse a Malamute with a Husky. Or maybe it was the other way around, but you get the point: we had a lost dog in our possession, and a guy was looking for his dog, and we both talked to the shelter but the shelter failed to make the connection. The owner called back the shelter a few days later and rephrased "has anyone found a malamute, husky, eskimo dog, etc" and that's when the light bulb went off in the worker's head.

I will just say a prayer that she was lost and not stolen.....
We're pretty sure she was stolen. The other dogs were still in the yard, and she's too big to have escaped. Plus there have been similar cases around our neighborhood. But they steal only boxers or pit bulls. We hit up all the shelters today. Nothing. But we're gonna keep going back every week. And yeah, the ones we call we say a little white puppy with black spots and stuff.

Thanks for the tips, we're not giving up...
I'd suggest ringing around the vets- if she was stolen then they'll probably eventually take her to a vet. Let them know she was stolen and perhaps drop off photos at the clinics so they can identify her if she's brought in.

Good luck- I hope she's home soon!
I second this. Call as many vets in the area and give them any identifying things about her and any chip numbers and tell them that she's stolen and to call the police if someone brings her in.
Placing a reward out might also wiggle the thieves out of hiding.
You can p[lace on pet finder also...I just looked! This is by area I believe ! This is not the place I found last night but I am still looking!

"People take lost pets to local veterinarians, animal hospitals, kennels, groomers, even pet stores."

I hope this article helps you find your girl:
Skip the dog psychic. Like cancer quacks, they prey on people in vulnerable positions like yours.
My rational, educated neighbors, when they lost their cat, consulted a pet psychic, who provided information that WAS correct in that the cat was still alive, but all the details were bogus. What DID get them their pet back was the microchip -- after several weeks.
Spend the money on a reward.

Find out what you can about the MO if there is a pattern of such thefts in your area. Ask the police. Are they selling them? Keeping them as pets?

Perhaps you can connect with other such crime victims and pool money for a substantial reward and more publicity. You can't just hide a large dog. Neighbors notice things. A reward might persuade someone not motivated by altruism.

Our thoughts are with you.
She's actually found a lot of pets. It couldn't hurt. My parents are chipping in and helping with everything. And we're also offering a pretty nice looking reward, $500. We're calling the police today to see if there's anything like this. There have been other dogs stolen and I've connected with them. It seems to be a trend with pits and boxer owners. I'm terrified they're using her for fighting or puppy mills so I'm going to research that in our area and get police reports of arrests.


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