My poor Luffy broke his wisdom tooth, half of it chipped off. Is there anything I can do in the meantime until his vet visit on Friday?  He doesn't seem like he is in pain right now. I can see that the nerve/pulp is slightly visible. Would the tooth have to be extracted? root canal? I am pretty sure he got it from chewing his antler bone to hard. Also what kind of ball park price will I be facing if he has to get the tooth extracted or root canal? Sorry for so many questions, just want to prepare myself so I can get everything fixed right away. 

On a brighter note, I thought you guys might like this. Was bored last week so decided to design a corgi shirt =) (I don't care, I am corgi obsessed!) 

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Aweee!! Poor Luffy! :( Hope it doesn't hug him too bad before you get him into the vet!

I posted this on the facebook mycorgi page for you too.  Love the t-shirt, so cute!!

Oh no, poor Luffy!  :(

The only advice I can give is to make sure he doesn't have access to any hard toys before you get him in to be examined.  Also try to keep him away from any particularly icky things that might cause infection.  That's what I would do, anyway!  If he seems like he's starting to feel pain, you could give the vet another call and see if there's anything you should give him.  Hopefully he'll have it taken care of quickly!

Also, I'm not sure on price, but I know Franklin had to have a tooth extracted and I think Melissa had posted some prices quotes.  You could try searching for posts about it and see if there are any rough estimates. 

Depends on your vet as far as cost. I had a previous corgi that broke his on nylabones. Some dogs just crank really hard on the bones so shouldn't have them. The split antlers seem better than the wholes.


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