So I learned a new thing on Christmas Eve. Well, several new things. First, there is no receptacle that Ethel cannot open, including child-proof caps, well screwed-on lids and boxes shut and latched. Second, apparently, wood putty is an appealing snack. And third, if you have a Home Again microchip, you can pay a certain annual fee, and receive free, unlimited access to the ASPCA's poison control hotline without knowing it. Amazing! I think the sequence speaks for itself: The devil dog, Ethel, got into a room where I am doing some work (through closed doors and baby gates), opened a box, popped a lid, ate putty. Found her in the act, gave her some peroxide, she threw up most of putty. Called the ASPCA's poison control hotline for further advice, discovered that since we think she hadn't eaten too much, and had thrown up a bunch, we just needed to increase her fiber for a time to help "push" the rest out. AND, when they looked us up on their computer, their service was free (normally, they charge you $60 to talk to the vet). They were very complimentary about her uploaded picture, too. And a Merry Christmas was had by all. So if you too have a Home Again chip, you might want to explore the extras you may have....

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Great info Susan! Get well soon Ethel!
I should add, here is the info from the ASPCA's poison control website. You talk to a vet tech first, and can then decide to go on and pay the fee (if you don't have the magic chip!), and they do have provisions for those in need who can't afford it -- "Animal Poison Control Center: We are your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call (888) 426-4435. A $60 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card."
I'm putting this number into my phone. Thanks. I'm glad she's okay! I can't imagine wood putty is very tasty.
Sounds like your Christmas was eventful! I am so glad she is OK!
Thanks! Seriously, I think Ethel's goal is to taste everything on earth, at least once, no matter its source. I'm convinced that she has some kind of pact with the devil, as she never is the worse for wear! THANK GOODNESS! She's a character, that's for sure.
That's too funny (since it turned out OK). Those corgis will eat anything. I have Home Again also; I'm glad to hear about free poison control.

My corgi nephew ate several bamboo knitting needles when he was visiting me over New Years. He also knocked over the plastic trash can I keep the dog food in and porked out on dry dog food. We had to keep him quiet so he didn't get bloat. Last summer he chewed open a bag of flour in the pantry. My sister has a lot more patience than I do.
Yikes! They are busy little eaters. The bamboo needles fit in well with wood putty, don't you think? Funnily enough, I just got my annual renewal bill for Home Again -- and this time I actually read it over! So for $14.99/year, I realize, I not only get the poison control hotline, but also, they have pet insurance for any medical costs while lost, up to $3k. Sweet. Hopefully that's something I will never, ever have to test out.
Whew, glad to hear Ethel is OK! I had not heard from you in a long time, Susan. I love your blog posts!
Hi Susan! Happy New Year! Boy your little girl is a pistol. I love how you write, I laugh and laugh. Of course I'm sure it was horrifying at the time... We do have a micro chip in Tulip, I'm not sure if it's Home Again-- I'll have to check. Between eating poopcicles and tearing apart any toy, having the access to the hotline would be a great thing! Seriously, as much as Ethel want to eat everything, Tulip LIVES for destroying her toys! I got an expensive "tough toy for aggressive chewers" that lasted all of five minutes with her. Thank GOD she only chews her toys. She really is a great dog. Peanut never played with toys to much. I can only assume, since he is a rescue, that he wasn't exposed to them at a early age. Tulip lives for her toys, and how quickly she can send me scurrying to the nearest pet store for another. I did some research, because contrary to her belief I am not made of money, and found deer antlers are great for chewers! Like I said before Peanut shows little interest in toys except for the antler! So I had to go back and order another one. So far Tulip has had it for a week and it's still in good shape. Let's keep our fingers crossed! Hey, I saw that a new member of the New England Corgis lives in Lakeville... and she has two also. Yikes, I wonder if her name is Susan too!! Well that seems like a good group, six Corgis in Western CT... Do I hear play date anyone? Glad Ethel is fine. Give Bertie our hugs too.


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