It's almost the 10th time I was asked on the street if my corgi is a "miniature corgi."
Pebble is a 9 months old full corgi and she is half of the size of other corgi 9 months old pups I have seen.

She seems to stop growing since 5 months old and remains the same size since then.
I can tell she gained a little weight but still she looks smaller than she should be.

From her chest to tail, it measures about 19inches
(you can take a look at the pic below which I took just now)

Since August she has been not so responsive to her dry puppy food. But I made sure she eats regular even on a small amount. Recently I started mixing her puppy food with can food and she's doing okay so far. I feed her 2 cups per day, sometimes she eats everything and there are times that she doesn't eat much.

Honestly I don't really care about her size but I don't want her to have any health problems because of malnutrition.


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OK I know this is a somewhat old post, but we have a "miniature corgi" too!  Felix is full-grown (he's over a year old) and a whopping 17.5 lbs!  I've never seen a male his size!  He is from a breeder, but I don't know his exact history - we're actually his second home as a friend of ours couldn't keep him!  He might have been a runt or just from small parents.  Either way, we LOVE his size.  He is totally perfect for us, and our vet can't believe how fit and healthy he is!  We would prefer another smaller corgi to compliment him whenever we decide to get him a little sister.  I just love his smaller size!

Felix is still growing:) Corgis do not reach their ideal weight until almost 2 years. If his length and height are at corgi standard you can expect him to gain another 5#'s:) Corgis are considered large breed and  will fill out especially in the chest and gain for another year. Sage was 20#'s at 1 year and is now 25#'s at 22 months and perfect for a female but it took her this long to fill out. He may never be real big but he will grow some. Honestly I have never had a runt in any of my litters. Parents do make a difference...did you see his?

Luke was about 27 lbs at 12 months old and is now going on 35 lbs at 15 months, lol. Growth spurt!

He's a cardi so he'll still within the normal size range, but man I thought he would end up being small, guess not!

My 2.5 year old Emma is also small - 16 pounds.  She came from a responsible breeder who has many champion corgis.  Emma's mother had a problem with her uterus during the pregnancy, which may account for her small size.  (The breeder promptly retired Emma's mom, who is now a happy pet in a loving home).  The breeder really wanted to show Emma, because she's a gorgeous tri-color and she actually won some puppy shows, but it became obvious that Emma would not be large enough to show.  Her loss, but definitely our gain.  She's a happy, healthy dog.

Puppy mill dogs are often mis-sized because of poor breeding, but sometimes responsible breeders who love their dogs and are careful with bloodlines also end up with dogs that are the "wrong" size or "wrong" coat type.  We still can't control genetics completely.

Butler is small too-he's 2 and only 22 pounds.  Bcause of his size, we think he was originally a pet shop/puppy mill dog.  Redford is a big boy - all muscle at 28 1/2 pounds.  Everyone we meet thinks they're both cute.  Both are rescues.

She is a itty bitty corgi.  We have a group on here and yes I have one also.  Mine came from a smallish mother who was a working dog on a small farm.  Mine eats like a pig and still keeps her girlish figure.  She hit all the marks until one day she stopped growing.  The other one is more fluffy in fur but not that much bigger.  She came from good size parents, yet not some of the mooses I've seen around.  I'm quite happy with my two, and would welcome many more if I could.


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