My male got a little food aggressive Monday....which I promptly addressed with correction.  Correction in this case was a stern no, taking the food away from him, and making him stay while I held the bowl for his mother to eat the food.  After she finished I sternly told him no again.  I think making him watch her eat was the final straw for him......such cruel treatment.  He has been pouting and acting all aloof from me every since.  Sometimes I forget that these doggies are not your average bear, meaning that seem to actually have some thinking capacity.  My husband has said that I have broken the "circle of trust" by correcting him.  I think he is just spoiled. 


Ready to get my snuggle boy back!!! 


Have your dogs ever pouted???  How long did it take them to get over it???

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Oh yes...mine are good at pouting but some more than others. I yelled at Livvy and Bella the other day(I don't ever do this) and it took Bella a couple days and Livvy about 4 days before she was ready to get back to being their happy go lucky self! Wynn will pout occasionally but he also argue as he's as talker! It's good you did correct him!
I swear, corgis are like elephants, they remember way too much. One time when I was clipping Nibbler's toenails, she flinched and I hit the quick. Ever since then she seems very agitated whenever I start clipping her toenails, it's horrible :(. I have to hold it there and entice her with a treat and wait until she's not paying attention before I clip. Also, my bf put up a wire fence around one of our smaller plants so she wouldn't kill it immediately. He zip tied it closed, and guess what I have found in the backyard? Chewed off zip ties :).
Kota pouts. Anytime he thinks he is trouble. If we are correcting one of the other dogs.... He thinks he is the one getting in trouble... If that happens, we have to pay him extra attention and tell him that he is a good boy and that he wasn't the one that was in trouble. If he is the one in trouble (not very often)... he pouts until you play or pet him and he thinks its ok.
Boy mine are good at pouting!!! Normally when I correct and then they get the picture I praise them right away to let them know its over with. You don't want to make him nervous about you and unsure of dogs don't rationalize why you are still mad just that your body language is telling them to back off. Even if mine have done something horrible and they know it but still come to me when called..then its over. Its more important for them to trust me and come to me. I know that when I get upset with my kids my dogs react to it so once I'm done with my germ carriers I have to make sure I let the dogs know everything is okay and it wasn't them. Corgis are sensitive to this, well most of them. My Meagan just thinks she is the cats meow and she rules or you have no affect on her. She cracks me up!
Neither of mine pout but Jack definitely needs to be told that everything is ok if something happens; heaven forbid one of us stubs our tow or we have a minor argument and raise our voices with each other even a little! Jack comes right over and puts his paws on you or crawls in your lap, and then you have to tell him all is ok and throw a tennis ball or something to reassure him. Maddie isn't quite as sensitive, she's the sort to put her ears back and look at you submissively and then 3 seconds later she's back to doing what she was doing before. Just watch with the food aggression because sometimes what seems to make sense as a punishment in our minds actually reinforces the dog's fear that his food will be stolen and makes things worse! I like to sometimes toss something extra INTO their dishes while they are eating to keep them used to the idea of me being near their food, and otherwise I stay away from them while they eat.
Beth has a very valid point about the food aggression! 1. make sure you're not reinforcing the fear. 2. Are you able to get right in there while they're eating? This is a key to what I believe is safe.
Oh I have a HUGE pouter but neither one of my corgis ever ignored me. Pooh was the back talker. He always had to have the last word. It was funny but then it wasn't because he could have been cussing me out for all I knew. Even after I disciplined him or Cop they always wanted to be near me as in "I'm so sorry, ma. Do you forgive me? Don't be mad. I love you!" lol I smacked Copper for the first time two days ago. I've never had to smack him before. It wasn't hard. I got him right on the nose and he didn't know what to do or think of it. He just sat next to me for as long as he could and wouldn't stop touching me. He was so upset and so lovey for the rest of the day. That always makes me feel worse. It's like, "I just punished you, why are you loving me up and not letting me out of your sight?"
If we scold Seanna, she immediately comes running over and licks us, and gives us her pouty look like "sorry!"...once we tell her she's a good dog anyway, she's back to normal. Attention span of a flea!
Casey is definitely a pouter - as others have said, if she is scolded, she'll run over to me with her ears down and try and lick my hands/arms like "I'm sorry, I'm ssssooooo sorry! Please forgive me. Won't you FORGIVE ME!!!"

When I was getting her used to her dog booties for the winter (we live in AB, Canada, where it regularly goes down to about -20/-30 Celsius), I put them on her in the house to get her used to walking around with them on a bit before trying them outside (plus I needed to see if they fit) and she walked around the house for about 20 seconds before walking over to her crate, getting in and lying down. She glared at me from the crate for the next five minutes. She would not come out of that crate for anything. I took out her rubber chicken (favorite toy) and squeaked in, going crazy having as much fun as possible right in front of her crate, nothing. She just sat there and stared at me with the look of death. Eventually I lured her out with some ham, and she got over it. It was wearing the booties or not go outside, so she chose booties.
She is a SUPREME pouter. When people come over to our house, I've been making her lay down (on leash) for about 5-10 minutes next to me while we all sit nicely in the living room, and she pouts/whines for the entire 5-10 minutes until she finally calms down/quiets down so I can let her "nicely" greet my guests. It's really quite pathetic (in a hilarious sort of way, my guests always think she's such a character because you'd think I was killing her with the noises she makes - such a sorry sack!).

But she get's over pretty much everything in 30 seconds or less - no attention span what-so-ever.

With food aggression, Casey showed a little bit of it when she was younger (just a touch of growling). What I did was give her a firm correction ("NO") and I took the food item away for 30 seconds or a minute. Then when she was sitting nicely she got it back. If she growled if I went near it, same thing again. She eventually figured out that it took her WAY longer to eat when she growled at me than if she just dealt with my hand in her bowl or whatever. She still gets all her food, it just takes a long time with all the waiting, etc. And because she's a Corgi, she doesn't want to wait for that delicious food (it could be her last meal! Who knows when food is coming next?!?! She's starving to death!! lol)
Now she just puts up with me putzing around in her food bowl/standing near her/touching her when she’s eating because not putting up with it means waiting to eat (so it’s eat and be bothered for a few seconds, or don’t eat and have to wait for a minute).
Oh goodness yes. Roxi's record is about a month after we got Charlie. She wasn't the only child. She wasn't the 'princess' anymore and she didn't like sharing.

She was fine the first two days... and then she realized he wasn't going away lol.

Besides that she usually pouts for about a day or two.. it usually involves not playing with her or having to do human stuff in place of her exercise time lol.
We have progressed. He was wanting love last night and got in some snuggle time on the bed this morning. I think he is coming around. He's my big baby....been with us since birth so he is a really attached in tune fellow! I really am still a bit mystified by his acting out, he is a real piggy but he took it just a little too far. HAHAHAHAHA


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