I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone. I noticed my Newman hiding when I get the loaf of bread out to make toast. He starts to shake really bad and when I try to call him or pet him, he won't budge. This happens everytime I get the bread. I thought it was the sound of the plastic, but I think he knows I'm going to use the toaster. I'm not sure why he is reacting this way. I've even tried other plastic bags to see if he was afraid of the sound, but he was fine. I'm not sure if he's afraid the sound the toaster makes when you push the handle down, or when the bread pops up when done. I've never seen this before. I feel bad for him because he gets so shaky and scared. He does calm down after a while. Share your thoughts on this. If you have a Corgi that has some weird random phobias, I would like to know. Thanks :).

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lots and lots of treats before and during the toaster action.
DO NOT try to pet him or calm him down. He takes it as positive reinforcement to continue being scared.
Do not make a big deal out of it. Be calm and confident. Dogs feel when we're nervous so no matter how hard you try, if he sees you're not sure he'll be scared.
Shiro is afraid of vacuum cleaner, umbrella and cans. He doesn't shake, just goes to hide under the futon for a few minutes. Since his reaction is not bad we just ignore it. He's very tough (or dumb :) ) and forgets about it in 5 minutes.
Thanks so much! I will try this!
It wil take you a while so be prepared.
First give him some treats.
Then reach out for the bad and give some more. Don't get the bag yet. If he's not scared, touch the bag and give more treats. If everything goes well, take it and just put it on the table. More treats. Do not proceed, just leave the bag there.
If he's scared wait until he calms down and go one step back. Use the tastiest treats for this, like chicken or warm hot dog and don't use them for anything else. He'll respond better that way.
Next day if everything is OK move one step further.
If he shakes and acts scared, it is too late to give treats. He'll think he's being rewarded for this behavior.
Good luck and let us know how it's going.
Remember to stop BEFORE he is scared.
You can even put the toaster on the floor and spread some reats around it. Let him sniff it and realize that there's nothing to be afraid of.
Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Wrigley is afraid of clicking noises. He used to be afraid of the vacuum until I fed him treats repeatedly while vacuuming.
Did anything ever happen in relation to the toaster?

Jack is afraid of the "high" setting on our stove's exhaust fan. That is because once or twice when we made bacon and the fan was on high, the smoke alarm went off and our smoke alarms are all wired together and therefore very loud.

He also gets nervous if our freezer is open for too long, because after awhile it beeps if the door is open and he does not like the sound.

You can try some desensitizations. In my experience, phobias tend to get worse if they are not dealt with. Someone walking him back and forth cheerfully on a leash and popping yummy bits of cheese in his mouth while you make toast might gradually convince him the toaster is a good thing. After that, periodically give him a treat when you start to make toast to keep the positive reinforcement.
How old is Newman?
When Sidney was younger, he was afraid of lots of things! Plastic bags, trash cans (but only if they were on their sides), skateboarders, bicycles (standing still ones). He's two now and he's fine, not much spooks him anymore.
Hehe, this reminds me of when I was a little kid, I used to have a slight phobia of standing by the toaster as it was toasting some bread because it always made me jump when it popped up (when I made toast, I would stick it in and go to another room until it popped up). I have always had sensitive hearing and I know dogs hear many times better than people. Maybe he doesn't like the sudden loud sound of the toast popping up. I would follow the advice of the people that already posted. Don't baby him or try to comfort him when he's scared (I know it's hard!), stay positive, and give lots of treats during the whole process of making toast and he should start to get over it. He'll associate you making toast with giving him treats instead of the scary sound, and you can taper down the amount of treats you give slowly until it's just one treat.
Thank you everyone for your input and advice! I appreciate it.
Tegan doesn't like any sound like foil, plastic, or like... chip bags? lol I don't know what they are made of... crinkling. He FREAKS out and runs away from the noise as fast as possible. I think its just that his ears are very sensitive... but if you put a bag anywhere near him he gets nervous... unless we're outside and he knows that I'm about to do with it.
He jumps if anything makes a loud noise, and hides. I think he's just very sensitive hearing wise, which would make sense with corgi ears! :)
HATES the vacuum!
My Teagen girl hates the vacuum also, she runs into her crate when she see's me taking it out of the closet. I just close and latch the door and vacuum the funny thing about it is she doesn't hide in her crate she sits at the front and watches???? I'm quessing she just has to know it can't get her??? When I put it away and open her crate she runs over to the closet door lets out one bark then turns around and gos to play LOL
Rhys is frightened of nearly everything! When we first had him he didn't like the toaster, coffee grinder or washing machine but seems to have got over this now. He is petrified of metal shutters even if the are locked down but I guess he knows that they make a loud noise - in fact he hates the sound of any metal banging together. He was a rescue and although his breeder had 'rescued' him for rehoming we are not sure what happened to him to make him so fearful. Sometimes on his walk he will just stop and shake, there is nothing there to scare him but I wonder if he has some sort of flashback - do you think dogs do? He also dislikes high vis jackets, men dressed in black and those sports trousers with the stripes down the side.....oh and any one except me going up the stairs. You think you have problems ;-)
Poor baby...it sure likes somebody, maybe a man in the military or law enforcement(?), abused him. Thank goodness you rescued him! It sounds like he is showing some improvement.


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