I have a cat (Tom the cat) that is around 11yrs old and a corgi (Aurora) that is just over a year old.  Aurora not only likes to heard Tom also seems to want to play with him and eat him.  Aurora will charge off the sofa, bed, floor, etc. just to growl at Tom, like she is trying to tell him what to do.  Is this normal and should I worry about it?  Also I have been thinking about getting another corgi in hopes that Aurora will have someone to play with and will leave the Tom alone.  My concern is that with a friend will Aurora leave Tom alone or will I just end up with 2 dogs being mean to the cat? 

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i have experienced this with my dachshund and corgi. she is trying to play with her like a dog lol when we got are other dog this behavior does go away with time but for the mean time u need to stop this before poor tom gets hurt. when she goes to run after him make a really sharp voice and say "no!"even do this when she growls at him, this will disrupt her playing, keep doing that till she understands that she cant do that, keep in mind it will take time but it does work. if your voice isnt enough then try the spray bottle, it dosnt hurt its just to get her attention. if she does stop then give her praise or a treat soon she will understand that leaving the cat alone is a good thing lol and dont worry about both of them bullying, as long as your new puppy dosnt learn it from Aurora, does this make sense? i hope this helps:)
There was a discussion started in March about this that got some pretty good responses (here is a link http://www.mycorgi.com/forum/topics/how-can-i-get-my-corgi-to ). I have found with Frosty that using "NO" did not work at all. However, "leave it" does a great job and its really easy to teach. If Aurora doesn't already know "leave it" all you have to do is hold her collar, put a piece of food in front of her, and whenever she reaches for it give a small tug on the collar and say "leave it!". Just do that every time she looks at the food until she starts avoiding looking at it. Then pick up the food and put it away. After you do this a couple times she will get the point. NO never worked on anything, but "leave it" works on our cats, the chickens, everything that I want him to leave alone. Good luck! I know how frustrating it is when the dog is cat chasing all the time.
Aurora knows the leave it, and when I can catch the behavior starting I can sometimes stop it. My concern is that aurora charges at Tom before I can get it stopped and then once it is stopped to give her a treat concerns me that she will think she is getting the treat for going after Tom not stopping the bad behavior. Its hard to explain....The cat will get down to go get a drink of water and Aurora will charge him with a growl of sorts, like she is trying to tell him he can not leave the room....have tried for months leave it, come. I guess this is something that never goes away.
They can easily be caught if they drag a leash around the house. I don't allow cat chasing unless the cat starts it(one of mine does) and never allow anything that involves the cat crying out. Also, while you have the dog leashed reward calm behavior while the cat is in the room or laying by you with a good treat. I have three dogs and two cats with no problems but it did require some vigilance at first. Our dobe used to be a pain with them but now the cats will cuddle with her.


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