my dog is 11 months old and her ears are still floppy!!!

11 month corgi with floppy ears... is this normal? And she only weighs 14 lbs, but she is very active and healthy. I feed her Natural Balance, and feed her about 1.5 cups a day total. Should she be heavier?

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14 lbs is tiny for a Corgi that old, but some are undersized and you need to look at her overall condition. You should barely feel the outline of her individual ribs when you run the flat of your hand over her sides, and she should have a defined waist from above. If her hip bones are sticking out or you can see her ribs or not feel a light layer of flesh over them, she's too thin.

As for the ears, well if they were not up by about 3 months or 4 months it's best to start taping at that point. Did you get her from a breeder who showed you how to tape? I don't know if it's too late at this stage of the game or not. For a Pem, taping is not that elaborate; simply two passes of masking tape around the base of the ear, making sure there are no folds or wrinkles taped in. You might try for a couple weeks and see if it helps.

Good luck with your little cutie!
What a cutie! I would look at her total size (height at the shoulders compared to length, she should be 50% longer than tall ex: if she is 12" tall she should be 18-20" long females should be smaller my Livvy is about 10" tall and 18" long and at 15 months only weighs 22# but for a female with champ bloodlines this is the correct weight. Also they really don't fill out till about 15 months or longer so she could be her/height & weight but still will mature for up to 6 or more months.She may just be tiny and more food will not make her grow more just check her ribs as Beth suggested. My Bella did not like to eat and therefore was more slender but has caught up at 2 yr. I would not worry but you can ask your vet next time you go in.

As for her ears I believe Beth said it all but I wonder if they are rather small too. I couldn't see a pic that showed me one way or the other. Do her ears stand straight part of the time or do they continue to flop?

Enjoy your sweet little girl!
Im not a vet/breeder but I also heard calcium helps with ear development but I would research/ask a professional about how you would give that to her and how much. Im not going to give it a guess just because I don't want to be wrong hehe.
I agree that 14 lbs seems small for a Pem that age. When was her last trip to the vet? Did they comment on her size/weight? As long as she is not being underfed, I wouldn't worry too much about her weight; she may just be small for the breed.

As for the ears, if they were going to stand on their own they should have done so by now. Usually if a pups ears are not up by 14 weeks taping is necessary. We had to tape Finnigan's ears. If you need taping instructions, here is my breeder's tutorial which I found very easy to follow:

I would try taping and see if it works. At this age it may or may not. As the cartilage in the ears is becoming more solid, that is when it helps to tape the ears up so that they develop in that upright position. If the cartilage has already formed in the position they are in, they will likely stay that way.
Thanks guys for the response,

I just measured her and she is 12 inches tall and 23 inches long. I don't underfeed her (she is a food whore), but I do take her out to exercise everyday (about a 30 minute brisk walk). But I do not give her a lot of treats. If I do, it may be some fruits or sweet potato. I have tried taping her ears for about 2 weeks when she was about 5 to 6 months old. Also, the last visit to the vet was about 2 months ago, where she was only 12.5 lbs, and there was no comments about her weight. She has looked the same since she was about 6 months old! I can't wait for her to look like those chubby cute corgis. But she is a unique corgi. I <3 her.

will post up pics of my corgi.
Be glad she isn't a too chubby little corgi. My one female Bella is about your dogs size and I don't think she'll ever be chunky....she eats ok. The exercise is great and maybe she's more muscular as my Bella is and we all know muscle burns more calories.. It sounds like you're doing all the right things and if your vet isn't concerned I wouldn't worry. It took Bella almost 2 years b/4 she didn't look so long and slender but she is 28# and not chubby! Has she been tested for worms? I think Natural balance has corn in it ( not sure) would you consider changing to a corn free food? Just a couple more thoughts. Sounds like great treats too! Maybe you could also add some veggies ( canned green beans or carrots) to her food
or give her a TBSP of plain yogurt every day? Maybe try this to see if she gains more but with healthy food not junk!
We feed Finnigan Natural Balance as well and it does not contain corn or wheat. It's actually a very good food so that shouldn't be causing any problems for her.
Is the 12 inches at her head or shoulder? Normally when we give height it's from ground to withers (top of shoulder) and length is from withers to nubbin. But that's not self-explanatory. If you are measuring her to shoulder, then 12 inches is at the top of the breed standard and she must be very slightly built, but if you are measuring her to the top of the head then she is just a very small Corgi!
I measured cola from her shoulder to the floor (12 inches). I guess she is very muscular for a corgi... can't wait till she's chubby~
She must just have a smaller bone structure. She will reach her full height and length by the time she is a bit over a year old, but should continue to fill out until she's nearer two.


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