My Lady Mollie What to do? Fine her a forever home or try some wat to stop her from attacking Olli.

Please I need help. I have this sweet wonderful tri-color female Corgi and my husband and i have been debating on what to do. Weather to fine her a loving forever home or for some one to help us try and get her to stop attacking Ollie. Its to the point now that she has drawn blood  on him. She is so jealous and i don't know why. We show both of them as much attention as we can. So if anyone out there has an answer please let me know. If not and someone would be able to give her a loving forever home with no other dogs please also let me knoe.

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Than you for your concern. I know in my heart that we will find the right solution for her. And that when I have to let her go it will be to some wonderful people that will give her a forever home, who will love her and spoil her and have all the time for her.

Since you are on the Western side of MO, I suggest contacting Corgi Connection in KS to see if they can help you find help someone to help you keep Mollie.  IF not they are a very reputable rescue and maybe able to help you find her a new home.  Jeanette DeMars runs it and does a fantastic job of helping corgis find new homes.

This may sound crazy but part of the problem maybe that Ollie and Mollie sound soo much alike that she gets confused and frustrated. 

good luck and best wishes

Thank you Jill I will be checking into that right away. I really appreicate all the help that everone is giving me.  It has help me in taking some stress off and knowing there is help out there for Mollie.

Also know that how hard it may seem now....I have rehomed a few dogs(one was a female I planned to use for breeding (Joanna,Rainy and Calvin) plus they have a rescue from me and also Jennifer Markley has one of my rescues. I could not ask for better people to have gotten my dogs as the dogs now have a better life because their needs are being met.

Jane thank you for your kind words and for you helping me to cope with knowing that I'm going to have to give Mollie up. To find her a loving home where there will be no other dogs and where she will get all the attention she deserves. She is special in my heart , but I know that she will make  someone else very happy. And she will become special in there hearts. Sorry its hard for me to write this. Tears are rolling down my face. I'll have to talk later. Thanks

Jerrie...I went back and forth for a long time as to what I should do and then I decided that if I could find Rainy a home with someone retired or home more that it would be in her best interest...I was sad as I promised her she would always have a home here and she was such a sweetheart BUT in the end she does have a much better life being the pampered princess she is...and I get to see her on MyCorgi. It is nice if you can keep in touch...but that's just my thoughts. I can now smile and say she has a wonderful life and I'm glad I found such a wonderful home for her! believe me I know all about the tears but when they have a great new home the tears turn into tears of joy!

Jane I'm sorry I had to get off yesterday. The tears just kept coming and I just couldn't quit crying. So I apologize to you. I know it will be very hard to let her go. But I know that it will be the best for Mollie, and Ollie. So neither one of them end of getting injury bad.I just hope who ever take her will send me pictures of her once and awhile and let me know how well and happy she is.

I understand!

you are welcome.

if I was closer I'd try to help you more. 

I echo what Jane C stated.. as our Alfie, whom we rescued last nov, was in a situation where he just didn't fit in. They thought he would need to be in an only dog home as well but  in his case there were health issues that needed to be addressed and now that he feels better he can be around other dogs- everyone is amazed at what we've accomplished with him...there is hope for Mollie 

Thank you for your concern. We have had her to the vet several times and the only thing that is wrong with her is she has a bad habit of chewing on 1 of her back legs oh ad she very scare of loud noises like firecrackers and thunder. We had to sedate her at times when it gets really bad. We first thought she had some kind of allgery on her leg but just when we thought we were gettig it heel up, she start chewing on it again. We try steriods, antibotics and have gone so far as putting a collar on her so she can't reach it. But other then that the vet say she can find nothing else wrong with her.

I think contacting a dog behaviorist would be of huge help, as they could directly address your problem.
Try keeping her on a leash ay all times so when she goes for Ollie you grab the leash, give it a firm command and tug, then remove her from the room entirely if she continues.
This is something unfortunate but it can be fixed, you just need to be patient, firm and more patient!
These people have locations in Missouri the website is kinda gumbled but I'm sure you can contact them and explain your situation.

Thank you Lemmy, we are trying that right now. But she's still trying to throw her weight around. And I don't know of any dog behaviorist around our area. but I will try looking into that.


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