I've been crating Simon since I got him -- I've never used his crate for punishment, and he's never put up a fight about going in the crate. Sometimes he'll even go in there himself if he wants to take a nap when I'm home (he free roams the house if I'm at home).

Today when I left for work and put him in his crate, he just had a FIT. He screamed and started scratching in a total panic. I don't know what the problem was. He was loose all morning -- I played with him and my other dog played with him, he went outside 3 times, and he even got a treat beforehand.

He's five months old, and I was just shocked that he was acting like this, cause he's NEVER done this before, not even when he was a BABY puppy. I felt horrible, cause I didn't want to leave him screaming, but I had to go to work.

Is this just his age, and he's testing me, or what? I was just shocked cause it came out of the blue for no reason.

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I think It was him saying Hey I don't wanna be left behind!!!....I was going to take the big boys for a walk by themselves the other morning and put Teagen in the crate well......she did the same thing...Greg was sleeping so I couldn't leave her in there acting a fool so she got to go for a walk with the boys after all. I wouldn't worry to much about 1 episode =)
I would say that it is just his age and he's testing you. Things like this and possibly having an accident or two will happen in the next few months. He is just rebelling a little.
My puppy, Stella, is 5 1/2 months old and she has been acting out in spurts--especially when her teeth have been bothering her a lot. Last week was the worst--I know that she lost *at least* four teeth because that is how many I found. During that time she was restless and biting and would sort of "lash out" in fits at random times. Is he going through a strong teething stage? I figured that she was behaving like this because of the age (when they're testing boundaries) and the teething pain. She's actually calmed down from last week to this week. I'm not sure she has any teeth left to lose!
Corgis sure can be drama kings/ queens! Try giving him a special treat when you crate him, like a little peanut butter smeared on a Kong. He'll soon learn to fly into his crate grinning. Jack and Maddie hit their crates so fast that the towels we use as bedding generally end up in a bunch in the back.

He could be testing you, or something might have upset him and he panicked. Either way, a little peanut butter or cream cheese could very well rectify the situation. Good luck!
My pup lost most all her training and manners from about 5 months to about 7 months. The last few weeks they have almost completely re-appeared (she will be 8 months on the 12th).

Although she never did rebel against the crate most every thing else was out window. House training, walking, biting.... she was a monster. The loss of manners and the reappearance were both gradual enough didn't really notice either.
Brody does this once in a while and usually I just need to wash his bedding. He's very particular about the freshness of his bankie.
good point
It could be that he was just being a brat, but it could be that he wanted something done, perhaps his crate didn't feel right, or maybe he realized he needs to go potty and would like to do that now rather than wait. It's hard to know really, but so long as it isn't a repeating occurrence, it should be no problem :)

This reminds me of a story. When Philip was 4-5 months old, one day a neighbor took him home while I was at work because she had a day off. That night at 2-3am, I was awaken by him scratching at the crate door like mad. I was baffled since he's never done anything like that, so I figured I'd take him outside, and it turned out he really just had to go really bad as he sat right down. So things like that can happen - I was glad he let me know and that I acted on it rather than thinking it's simply a fit, otherwise he would not have been pretty in the morning :) He did try scratching the next night, but I knew he couldn't have an upset stomach twice in a row, so I ignored him and he settled down. He was obviously testing his new method, but since it didn't work I never heard it again.
Thanks for all of your replies! So far this was just a 'one time' thing -- I actually had a friend come over that afternoon to let Simon out, and she said he was fine but seemed a bit more 'sad' than usual.

I had the day before OFF, and I spent the whole day with him and my other dog and we went to the park for a long walk and played ALOT (oh and they got baths too, LOL!), so I don't know if he was upset cause he got that whole day with me and now he has to go back in the crate.

So far he's not being TOO bad as a 'teenager', but if this is a preview of coming attractions, the next few months should be a JOY! :{


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